The following is an alphabetical listing of sites housed within the IUP domain. Many are official sites of the university; others are related.

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Academic Affairs, Division of
Academic Calendar
Academic Catalogs
Academic Success, University College
Accounting and Information Systems, Department of
Accounts Payable
Accreditation by Middle States Commission on Higher Education
ACPAC (Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee)
Administration and Finance, Division of
Administration and Leadership Studies Research and Training Center
Administrative Services, see University Operations and Administrative Services, Office of
Advising and Testing Center, see Department for Disability Access and Advising
African American Cultural Center, see Multicultural Affairs and Student Success
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs, see Student Wellness and Engagement
Alumni Association
American Language Institute
Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences, Department of 
Applied Psychology, Center for
Applied Research Lab
Aquatics, see Lepley Natatorium and Pidgeon Natatorium
Archaeological Services
Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)
Art and Design, Department of
Articulation Agreements, see Community College Articulations and Collaboratives
Arts and Humanities, College of
Arts (Performing and Visual), see Lively Arts
Arts Outreach
Asian Studies


Campus Map, see Map, Directions, and Parking
Campus Space and Reservations
Campus Tours
Care Team
Career and Technical Personnel Preparation, Center for
Career and Professional Development Center
Catalogs, Academic, Graduate and Undergraduate
Central Stores
Chemistry, see Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics
Child Study Center
Cogeneration Plant, S. W. Jack
Communication Disorders, Department of Allied and Public Health
Communications and Marketing, see Office of Marketing and Communications
Communications Media, Department of
Community College Articulations and Collaboratives
Community Standards, Office of
Computer Science, see Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Conference Services
Continuing Education, see Admissions, Office of
Cook Honors College
Co-op (Student Cooperative Association)
Co-op Store
Counseling and Human Development, Department of
Counseling Center
Criminal Justice Training Center
Criminology and Criminal Justice, Department of
Crimson Connect
Cross Country
Culinary Arts, Academy of
Curriculog (IUP login required)
Cyber Security, Institute for


Haven Project
Hawk Q&A Center
Health and Human Services, College of
Health and Physical Education, see Department of Career and Wellness Education
Health and Well-Being, Center for
Health Promotion and Cardiac Disease Prevention, Center for
Health, Public, see Public Health Program
Health Service
Health Services Administration Program
Highway Safety Center, see Institute for Rural Health and Safety
Hire a Hawk (On-Campus Student Employment), see Student Employment Program
Hispanic Heritage Council
Hispanic Journal
History, Department of History, Political Science, Philosophy, and Religious Studies 
Honors College, Cook
Hospitality and Employment Relations, Department of
Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism, and Event Management, see Department of Hospitality and Employment Relations
Housing, Residential Living, and Dining, Office of
Human Resources, Office of
Humanities and Social Sciences, see College of Arts and Humanities


Ihelp (Get help with questions about IUP and technology issues)
I-Mail, see Email
Indiana County Child Day Care Program
Information Assurance, see Cyber Security, Institute for
Information System Resources (PASSHE-Systems)
Information Systems, Accounting and
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Instructional Design Services
Intensive English Program, see American Language Institute
Interior Design, see Department of Art and Design
International Education, Office of
International Travel
IT Services, Office of
IT Support Center
IUP Magazine



Journalism and Public Relations, see Department of Communications Media


Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics
Magazine (IUP Magazine)
Maintenance (Facilities Operations)
Majors, A-Z Listing of Undergraduate Majors
Major and Career Exploration Center
Management, Department of
Management Services Group
Map, Directions, and Parking
Marketing, Department of
Marketing and Communications, Office of
Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Department of
MBA Program
Mid-Atlantic Research and Training Institute for Community and Behavioral Health (MARTI)
Middle States Accreditation
Military and Veterans Resource Center
Mill Fitness Center, James G.
Mindfulness Living Learning Community
Mine Mapping, Archival Procedures, and Safety, Institute for
MIS, see Accounting and Information Systems
Multicultural Affairs and Student Success
Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement, Center for (MCSLE)
Museum, University
Music, Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance
Music Teaching and Learning, Center for


Native American Awareness Council
Natural Sciences and Mathematics, John J. and Char Kopchick College of
Northpointe, IUP at
Nursing, Department of


Pan-African Studies
Parents, Info for
Payroll Services
Penn, The
Pennsylvania OSHA Consultation Program
Performing Arts, see Lively Arts
Philosophy, Department of History, Political Science, Philosophy, and Religious Studies
Photographer, University
Physical Education, see Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science (Department of)
Physics, see Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics
Pittsburgh East, IUP
Planning and Assessment, Office of
Planning and Construction (Facilities)
Political ScienceDepartment of History, Political Science, Philosophy, and Religious Studies, Department of
Post Office
Preprofessional Programs
President, Office of the
Printing, University
Procurement Services
Professional Studies in Education, Department of
Protection of Minors
Public Health, see Department of Allied and Public Health
Punxsutawney, IUP
Purchasing Card


Safe Zone Program
Safety Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Department of
SAP Finance Information
Scholars Forum
SECA (State Employee Combined Appeal)
Senate, University
Service Learning, Office of
Six O'Clock Series
Small Business Development Center
Small Business Institute
Soccer, Women's
Social Equity and Title IX, Office of
Social Media
School Psychology, Special Education, and Sociology, Department of
Software Development Center
Spanish, see Foreign Languages
Special Education, see School Psychology, Special Education, and Sociology Department
Department of
Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic
Statistics Education in Pennsylvania, Center for
Strategic Planning
Student Affairs, Division of
Student Affairs, Student Success, and Disability Access, Department of
Student Billing, Office of
Student Cooperative Association (Student Co-op)
Student Employment Program
Student Housing Development, Office of
Student Involvement and Leadership Development, Office of
Student Life Center, see Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement
Student Organizations
Student Support and Community Standards, see Community Standards, Office of
Student Wellness and Engagement, Office of
Study Abroad, see IUP Education Abroad
Summer Sessions
Supporting Student Concerns
Support IUP
Sustainability Studies
Sutton Scholars Program