Facilities Management is the administrative organization responsible for the stewardship of the university's physical assets. The office cares for the daily operations of more than 75 major buildings and multiple infrastructures of the main campus as well as the Punxsutawney and Northpointe campuses.
Facilities Management is here to provide a clean, comfortable, well-maintained environment for all students and staff. The goals of the office are directed at facilitating a proper environment to support the educational mission of the university. Some of these efforts include maintaining existing space, anticipating changes, preparing for changes, and planning the allocation of resources to meet the future needs of the university as set forth in the university's strategic plan. Whether we're planning a campus renovation, breaking ground on a new building, maintaining our award-winning buildings and grounds, or keeping our campus safe, our staff helps keep the university moving forward.
Energy Management's goal is to minimize IUP's energy use and achieve specific financial, service, and environmental expectations in support of the university's and the State System's missions and visions.
The Facilities Planning and Construction group serves as the university's facilities planning, design, and contracting organization for major maintenance, renovation, and construction of new buildings and facilities on campus.
The Facilities Operations group has the responsibility for maintaining and repairing the physical facilities and mechanical systems of the university in a cost-effective manner.
Submit a service work order request to the Maintenance Group online using Asset Essentials.
For immediate maintenance help or to talk with a Customer Service maintenance representative, call 724-357-2710.
A list of IUP buildings and their street addresses.
Event Setup: Do I Have to Pay?Charges for event support are dependent on the amount of personnel needed to support the event. If above normal staffing is required, charges are likely.
Facilities Use Guidelines and ProceduresGuidelines and procedures for the use of all university facilities and space, with the exception of the KCAC can be found on the Administration Business and Hospitality Services web page.