Grad Student Serves on Chancellor Search Committee
Learn about the graduate student who has served on the State System’s Board of Governors since 2022 and is now helping the System with its search for a new chancellor.
Campus Bulletins
Student Record Adjustments Expected
As the university acclimates to the new academic structure, students may notice variation in their records. This could be changes in the account balance or items being added and removed. Learn more about what to expect—and what not to.
Media Releases
Rose Named One of State’s Top Leaders
News organization City & State Pennsylvania named Miko Rose, founding dean of IUP’s proposed college of osteopathic medicine, to its “50 over 50” list for 2024. Learn more about this honor, which recognizes the commonwealth’s 50 most influential people over the age of 50.
Rural Health Pulse
A collaboration between Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) and Indiana Regional Medical Center (IRMC) on the topic of rural health care, focusing on issues and stories impacting the health of the region and programs and initiatives designed to improve healthcare and wellness.
2023 Pennsylvania Mountains Rural Health Conference Highlights, Part 1
This is the first installment of a three-part series featuring highlights from the 2023 Pennsylvania Mountains Rural Health Conference. This episode discusses the concept of pathways and the topic of equality vs. equity with Bergitta Cotroneo of the American Academy of Physicians and Benjamin Frederick, director of the Pennsylvania Area Health Education Center.
Bulletin Board
Lose your dog or cat? Trying to sell your house or tickets to a performance? IUP faculty and staff members can post these types of notices on the Bulletin Board.