If you're like most parents, you have some questions about the colleges your student is interested in. Here are answers to the 10 questions parents most frequently ask us about IUP. If your concern isn't covered here, please call or e-mail the Admissions Office, so we can talk about it with you.

What sets IUP apart from other schools?

We consistently offer academic excellence at a price families can afford. That is why IUP has the distinction of being listed as one of "America's Top Colleges" in Forbes. IUP has one of the largest internship programs in the state. The 374- acre residential campus, graced with historic buildings and towering oaks, provides a scenic backdrop for rewarding collegiate experiences. IUP attracts students of all races, from almost every state in the nation and nearly 60 countries.

Is financial aid available?

If you need financial assistance, it's here. Every U.S student enrolled at least half-time in a degree-seeking program is eligible for aid through loans, grants, scholarships, or employment. The Financial Aid Office provides financial information and counseling to all students attending IUP or interested in attending IUP.

You'll need to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, available at the Financial Aid Office. That's how your eligibility for federal and Pennsylvania grants and loans is determined.

If you reside out of state, you may be eligible for state grants through the state you live in. Contact your state grant agency for more information.

Graduate's cap with I did it written on top

College Application Process: 10 Tips for Parents

  1. Let your child apply where he/she wants, even if it's not the school of your dreams. 
  2. Register him or her for the SATs. Testing registration information is available online and through a student's high school guidance office. 
  3. Collect the applications and supplements from each college and put them in different folders. 
  4. Conduct mock interviews with your student. Practice goes a long way. 
  5. Help your student prepare for standardized tests. For example, create flash cards for vocabulary words. 
  6. Type the relevant factual information (employment, address, social security number, etc.) on each application. 
  7. For each college you're considering, research the application requirements: required or recommended high school classes, subject tests, etc.). 
  8. Proofread essays and applications.
  9. Schedule college visits. Call the admissions office at each college to inquire about information sessions, tours, interview dates, availability of class auditing and overnight stays, directions to campus, and information on where to stay. 
  10. Share feedback on campus visits. 


How safe is IUP?

You'll be glad to know that Crime at College: A Student's Guide to Personal Safety states that IUP is located in the safest college town in Pennsylvania and in the Northeast and the fifth safest college town in the nation. Campus safety features include:

  • Emergency blue-light phones throughout campus
  • Mounted police bike patrol
  • Residence hall safety features
  • Escort service
  • Crime prevention officers
  • Operation ID, engraving identification numbers on personal property
  • Bike registration
  • Presentations on crime awareness and prevention

A brochure entitled Safety and Security, Indiana Campus is available by calling the IUP Safety Office.

Will my child be lost in the crowd at IUP?

IUP is large enough for your student's academic dreams, small enough to feel like home. Your son or daughter will never be just another number here! IUP faculty itself on its passion for and focus on teaching undergraduate students, as at some larger institutions where much instruction is done by graduate assistants. Most classrooms are small enough for professors to know students by name. Every class is taught by a professor, with the exception of doctoral students teaching some sections of English and psychology.

What if my student doesn't know what to major in?

Choosing a university and a major are two of the biggest decisions in your student's life.It's OK to be struggling with the process of choosing a major. Many students change majors at least once and often twice in the course of their college years.

Major and Career Exploration offers resources to assist in assessing interest and abilities as students search for the best match of major and career.

Every student must be enrolled in one of the following six undergraduate colleges. Students are encouraged to select a major, but may enroll in any college without declaring a major.

Eberly College of Business
College of Education
College of Art
College of Health and Human Services
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

What are the job prospects after graduation?

All parents hope their students will find fulfillment in their adult lives. In most cases, that means finding a good job.

Despite continued challenging economic times, IUP graduates consistently secure employment and/or pursue further education. Data analysis revealed that 84 percent of Class of 2013 graduates responding to the survey are employed or continuing their education or both. The knowledge rate indicated that 93.6 percent of Class of 2013 graduates identified are employed or continuing their education or both.

The Career and Professional Development Office helps students in their job search by providing:

  • on-campus interviews with representatives from government, industry, and business;
  • individual and group career counseling;
  • assistance with resume writing and mock interviews;
  • and a variety of other services.

What if my student has academic difficulties

The Developmental Studies department and the Writing Center provide free tutoring in a variety of subjects. We encourage students to contact them as soon as they suspect they need help. The mission of the Department of Undergraduate Studies and Student Success is to help undergraduate students prepare, succeed, and excel in their college curriculum. This is accomplished through a number of different programs.

What health services are provided at IUP?

The Health Center provides routine primary care for many common health-related concerns. A wide variety of health education and wellness programs are provided by professionals and peers educators.

Students are seen by appointment during regular business hours. Services provided by Health Center are covered by the student health fee. The center has printed materials detailing services, available upon request.

IUP requires documentation of immunization dates for all new freshman and transfer students to be on file at the health center by the end of their first semester on campus.

What's there to do at IUP after classes?

Plenty. Over 230 student organizations offer social and professional opportunities. Any student interested in groups related to his or her major, sports, volunteer organizations, fraternities, sororities, musical activities, publications, religion, or other interests will find them here. The campus event calendar is also full of live performances, visiting speakers, films, and art exhibits offered by the Lively Arts and other areas of campus.

When can we learn more about IUP?

We have orientation program that brings both students and parents to campus. The purpose of orientation is twofold: to help students and parents to prepare for the adjustment to campus life and to assess students' academic needs.