LSC# 29 SO 354 Includes syllabus for Sexual Inequality in Human Societies
Thomas Nowak, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 9-6-90LSC# 20 Includes syllabus for SO 340 The Sociology of Industry
Beth Mabry, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 9-15-04LSC# 242 Includes syllabus for SOC 357 Sociology of Aging
Beth Mabry, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-1413-168 Writing Intensive - Type I Professor Recommitment, LSC App-3/13/14, UWUCC App-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14
Laurence Kruckman, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 6-27-90LSC# WI-18
Herbert Hunter, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approfed 12-13-90LSC# 28A Includes syllabus for SO 332 Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Martin D. Hughes, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 1-25-07LSC# 262 Includes syllabus for SOC 341 Sociology of Education
Harvey Holtz, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 2-29-96LSC# 173 SOC 303 Social and Cultural Change
William Donner, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 12-15-09Includes syllabus for SOC 461 Social Research Methods II
Betsy Crane, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 5-20-04Betsy Crane, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 5-20-04
Deanna Chang, Sociology, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 3-16-00LSC# 195 Includes syllabus SO 357 Sociology of Aging, Fall 2000
Miriam Chaiken, Sociology, Type I Writing IntensiveLSC# 42 Includes syllabus for AN/SO 456 Field Research Methods
Sociology Honors Program, approved 10-7-1414-51 program revision, UWUCC App-9/16/14, Senate App-10/7/14
Sociology of Disability Services Minor04-42b new minor program, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/5/05, Senate App-4/26/05
Sociology of Disability Services04-42a catalog description change, new track, UWUCC App-4/5/05, Senate App-4/26/05
Human Services Minor05-31c new minor program, UWUCC App-2/14/06, Senate App-2/28/06
Sociology-Human Services Minor06-60 was Human Services Minor, minor name change, UWUCC App-4/17/07, Senate App-5/1/07
Sociology - Human Services Minor, approved 2-25-1413-118b program revision, UWUCC App-2/4/14, Senate App-2/25/14
Sociology-General Sociology Track03-38a program revision, UWUCC App-4/13/04, Senate App-4/27/04
General Sociology Minor, approved 2-28-0605-31b program title change (was Sociology Minor), program revision, UWUCC App-2/14/06, Senate App-2/28/06
Sociology - General Sociology Minor, approved 5-1-0706-59 was General Sociology Minor, minor name correction, UWUCC App-4/17/07, Senate App-5/1/07
Sociology - General Sociology Minor, approved 2-25-1413-118a program revision, UWUCC App-2/4/14, Senate App-2/25/14
Applied Social Research Minor05-31a program revision, UWUCC App-2/14/06, Senate App-2/28/06
Sociology - Applied Social Research Minor, approved 5-1-0706-61 was Applied Social Research Minor, minor name change, UWUCC App-4/17/07, Senate App-5/1/07
BSED Social Sciences, approved 4-4-0099-25h program revision (education/sociology track), UWUCC App-2/15/00, Senate App-4/04/00
BSED Social Science Education - Sociology Track, approved 9-15-9897-56 program revision, UWUCC App-4/21/98, Senate App-9/15/98
BSED Social Studies Education - Sociology Track, approved 4-28-0908-56 program revision, program title change (was BSED Social Science Education/Sociology Concentration), UWUCC App-4/14/09, Senate App-4/28/09
BSED Social Science Education - Sociology Concentration, 1991 archives91-17b program revision
BSED Social Science Education - Sociology Concentration, approved 4-29-0302-121 program revision (credit reduction), UWUCC App-4/25/03, Senate App-4/29/03
10-57 program revision, UWUCC App-3/1/11, Senate App-9/13/11
BSED Social Studies Education - Sociology Track, approved 5-1-1211-102e program revision, UWUCC App-4/24/12, Senate App-5/1/12
BA Sociology - Human Services Track99-25e program revision, program title change (was Clinical Sociology Track), UWUCC App-2/15/00, Senate Returned for Corrections 11/7/00
BA Sociology - Human Services and Applied Social Research Track99-2a new track, resubmitted as 99-25 a-h
BA Sociology - Human Services Track, approved 4-1-0302-94e program revision, credit reduction, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03
BA Sociology - Human Services Track, approved 4-27-0403-38b program revision, UWUCC App-4/13/04, Senate App-4/27/04
BA Sociology - Human Services Track, approved 3-20-1211-102c program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BA Sociology - Human Services Track, approved 2-25-1413-16 program revision, UWUCC AP-1/21/14, Senate App-2/25/14
BA Sociology - General Track, approved 4-4-0099-25f program revision, UWUCC App-10/26/99, Senate App-4/04/00
BA Sociology - General Sociology Track, approved 3-20-1211-102d program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BA Applied Social Research Track, approved 4-27-0403-38c program revision, UWUCC App-4/13/04, Senate App-4/27/04
BA Sociology - Disability Services Track11-102a program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BA Sociology - Applied Social Research Track99-25g program revision, UWUCC App-2/15/00, Senate returned for corrections-11/07/01
BA Sociology - Applied Social Research Track, approved 4-1-0302-94b program revision (credit reduction), UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03
BA Sociology - Applied Social Research Track, approved 3-20-1211-102b program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12
BA Sociology, approved 4-1-0302-94a program revision, credit reduction, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03
BA General Sociology, approved 5-4-9392-26 program revision (includes new course-SO/AN 286, SO 320, SO 448/548; title changes-SO 233, SO 314, SO 363, SO 361, SO 362 catalog description changes- SO 337, SO 380, SO 336, SO 352; course deletions- SO 322,SO 338, SO 443, SO 447) UWUCC App-4/20/93, Senate App-5/04/93
XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91
SOWK 238 Introduction to Social Work, distance education13-109 distance education, UWUCC App-11/19/13, Senate Info-12/3/13
SO 493 Internship in Sociology99-25d catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/26/99, Senate App-4/04/00
SOC 493 Internship in Sociology05-35 catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/7/06, Senate Info.-2/28/06
SOC 484 Readings in Sociology02-20j was SOC 483, course number change, UWUCC App-10/22/02, Senate App-11/5/02
SOC 461 Social Research Methods II03-38f new course, UWUCC App-4/13/04, Senate App-4/27/04
SOC 460 Social Research Methods I03-38e new course, UWUCC App-4/13/04, Senate App-4/27/04
SOC 460 Social Research Methods I, approved 10-4-1616-23 Type II Writing Intensive Designation, LSC App-9/1/16, UWUCC App-9/6/16, Senate App-10/14/16
SO 459 Development of Human Services, resubmitted as 99-25 a-h99-2b course deletion, resubmitted as 99-25 a-h
SO 459 Development of Human Services, approved 4-04-0099-25a course deletion, UWUCC App-10/26/99, Senate App-4/04/00
SO 458, PS 346 Political SocietyLS-149 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-12/13/90, Senate App-2/5/91
SO 452 Disability and Society99-3 new course, UWUCC App-2/15/00, Senate App-4/04/00
SOC 452 Disability and Society11-10r course revision, UWUCC Ap-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 448 Social Welfare Policy, approved 3-25-0807-41e was Social Policy, course title change, UWUCC App-2/19/08, Senate Info.-3/25/08
SOC 448 Social Welfare Policy, approved 9-11-1211-10q course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SO 445 Social StratificationLS-120 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-2/1/90, UWUCC App-2/20/90, Senate App-3/6/90
SOC 442 Medical Sociology, approved 10-7-1414-47 course number change (was 342), UWUCC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14
SOC 428 Child Abuse11-10p course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 427 Social Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence, approved 5-1-0706-58 was Spouse Abuse, course title change, UWUCC App-4/17/07, Senate Info.-5/1/07
11-10o course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 421 Sociology of Mass Media, distance education11-54 UWUCC AP-11/1/11, Senate Info.-12/6/11
SOC 417 Global Service Learning12-94 new course, UWUCC AP-3/12/13, Senate App-3/26/13
SOC 392 Clinical Sociological Practice, approved 4-22-0807-41b was SOC 302, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-3/18/08, Senate App-4/22/08
SOC 392 Clinical Sociological Practice, approved 9-11-1211-10n course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 391 Foundations of Sociological Practice, approved 4-22-0807-41a was SOC 301, course number change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-3/18/08, Senate App-4/22/08
SOC 391 Foundations of Sociological Practice, approved 9-11-1211-10m course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 387 Social and Cultural Change06-57 was SOC 303, course number change, UWUCC App-4/17/07, Senate Info.-5/1/07
SOC 380 Social Research Methods03-38d course deletion, UWUCC App-3/16/04, Senate App-4/27/04
SO 363 Sociology of Gender resubmitted as 99-25 a-h99-2d title change (was SO 363 Sociology of Sex and Gender), resubmitted as 99-25 a-h
SO 363 Sociology of Gender, approved 4-04-0099-25c title change (was Sociology of Sex and Gender) UWUCC App-10/26/99, Senate App-4/04/00
SOC 363 Sociology of Gender, approved 12-3-1313-91b SOC 363 course revision, catalog description change, LSBT AP-10/24/13, UWUCC App-11/12/13, Senate App-12/3/13
SOC 363 Sociology of Gender, distance education14-108 UWUCC App-11/18/14, Senate Info-12/2/14
SOC 362 Racial and Ethnic Minorities11-10l course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 362 Racial and Ethnic Minorities, approved 12-3-1313-91a course revision, catalog description change, LSC AP-10/24/13, UWUCC AP-11/12/13, Senate App-12/3/13
SOC 361 Social Stratification11-10k course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 361 Social Stratification, approved 4-29-1413-103c course revision, LSC AP-11/21/13, UWUCC AP-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14
SOC 357 Sociology of Aging10-27a course revision, UWUCC AP-11/9/10, Senate App-12/7/10
SO 354 Sexual Inequality in Human SocietiesLS-150 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-12/13/90, Senate App-2/5/91
SOC 352 Sociology of Religion11-10j course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 348 Sociology of Work11-10i course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 341 Sociology of Education11-10g course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 342 Social and Cultural Aspects of Health and Medicine, approved 9-11-1211-10h course revision, UWUCC 3/1/11, Senate 9/11/12
SOC 342 Medical Sociology, approved 4-30-1312-96b course title change (was Social and Cultural Aspects of Health and Medicine), catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/9/13, Senate App-4/30/13
SO 340 Sociology of Industry, approved 11-13-90LS-143 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-9/20/90, Senate App-11/13/90
SOC 340 Sociology of Industry, approved 9-11-1211-10f course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SO 337 World Societies and World Systems, approved 10/23/90LS-128 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-4/5/90, UWUCC App-10/23/90
SO 337 World Societies and World Systems, approved 5-4-9392-43 catalog description change, number change (was SO 237), UWUCC App-4/20/93, Senate App-5/04/93
SOC 337 World Societies and World Systems, approved 9-11-1211-10e course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 337 Society, Globalization and Risk, approved 4-29-1413-103b course revision, course title change (was World Societies and World Systems), catalog description change, LSC AP-11/21/13, UWUCC AP-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14
SOC 336 Sociology of Family, approved 12-7-1010-27b course revision, UWUCC AP-11/9/10, Senate App-12/7/10
SOC 336 Sociology of the Family, distance education12-35 distance education, UWUCC App-9/25/12, Senate Info-10/9/12
SOC 336 Sociology of the Family, approved 4-30-1312-96a catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/9/13, Senate App-4/30/13
SOC 335 Alcohol and Drug Abuse11-10d course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 333 Delinquency and Youth11-10c course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, App-9/11/12
SO 332 Racial and Ethnic MinoritiesLS-35 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-4/6/89, UWUCC App-4/19/89, Senate App-9/12/89
SOC 328 Child Abuse07-41d was SOC 428, course number change, UWUCC W-3/17/08
SOC 327 Social Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence07-41c was SOC 427, course number change, UWUCC W-3/17/08
SOC 320 Sociological Theory11-10b course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 320 Sociological Theory, distance education11-128 distance education, UWUCC AP-3/22/12, Senate Info.- 4/12/12
SO, AN 314 Native Americans, Liberal Studies ApprovalLS-189 course revision, LSC App-9/15/94
SOC 314 Sociology of Native Americans, approved 11-4-1414-38 course revision, course title change (was Native Americans), catalog description change, LSC AP-5/1/14, UWUCC App-10/21/14, Senate App-11/4/14
SO 301 Foundations of Sociological Practice, resubmitted as 99-25 a-h99-2c title change (was Clinical Sociological Theory), resubmitted as 99-25 a-h
SO 301 Foundations of Sociological Practice, approved 4-04-0099-25b title change (was Clinical Sociological Theory), UWUCC App-10/26/99, Senate App-4/04/00
SO-AN 286 Marriage, Kinship, and the Family92-36 new course, UWUCC App-4/20/93, Senate App-5/04/93
SOC 281 Oppression and U.S. Social Problems, distance education09-32b UWUCC App-11/17/09, Senate Info.-12/1/09
SO, AN 274 Cultural Area Studies: Latin America, Liberal Studies ApprovalLS-175 LSC App-10/15/92
AN, SO 274 Cultural Area Studies- Latin America92-9 new course, UWUCC App-3/09/93, Senate App-4/06/93
SO, AN 273 Cultural Area Studies: Southeast Asia, approved 1-24-91LS-154 seeking course approval and Non-western/Liberal Studies Elective approval, LSC App-1/24/91
SO, AN 271 Cultural Area Studies: Africa, Liberal Studies ApprovalLS-81 course revision, seeking LS approval for Non-western and Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-4/13/89
SO-AN 271 Cultures of Africa88-21 new course
SOC 271, 272, 273, 274, 286, 340, 458, approved 2-25-1413-113 SOC 271, 272, 273, 274, remove LSE and GMA designation, SOC 286, 340, 458, remove LSE designation, LSC App-11/19/13, UWUCC App-2/4/14, Senate App 2/25/14
SOC 269 Sociology of Deviance, approved 11-4-0303-18 new course, UWUCC App-9/30/03, Senate App-11/4/03
SOC 269 Sociology of Deviance, approved 9-11-1211-10a course revision, UWUCC AP-3/1/11, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 269 Sociology of Deviance, approved 4-29-1413-103a course revision, LSC AP-11/21/13, UWUCC AP-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14
SOC 251 Sociology of Human Sexuality09-72 course revision, UWUCC App-4/13/10, Senate Inf.-4/20/10
SOC 251 Sociology of Human Sexuality, distance education09-78 UWUCC App-4/12/10, Senate Info.-4/20/10
SO 237 World Societies and World Systems90-1 course revision, title change (was World Cultures)
SO 231 Contemporary Social Problems, approved 9-12-89LS-80 Social Science, LSC App-4/6/89, UWUCC App-4/18/89, Senate App-9/12/89
SOC 231 Contemporary Social Problems, distance education10-8 UWUCC App-9/28/10, Senate Info.-11/2/10
SOC 231 Social Problems, approved 9-11-1211-138b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/19/12, Senate App-9/11/12
SO 151 Principles of SociologyLS-11 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-12/15/88, UWUCC App-1/24/89, Senate App-2/7/89
SOC 151 Principles of Sociology, approved 9-11-1211-138a course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/19/12, Senate App-9/11/12
SOC 151 Principles of Sociology, Distance Education, Senate Info. 2-21-1211-79 UWUCC App-1/26/12, Senate Info.-App2/21/12