LSC# 253 Includes syllabus for PLSC 387 Political Systems - Latin America
Sarah Wheeler, Political Science, Type I Professor Recommitment Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-1414-34d LSC App-5/1/14, UWUCC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14
Gwendolyn Torges, Political Science, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 5-1-01LSC# WI-205 Includes syllabus for PLSC 359 Constitutional Law and Civil Liberties
Gwendolyn Torges, Political Science, Type I Professor Recommitment Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-1414-34c LSC App-5/1/14, UWUCC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14
Dorothy Palmer, Political Science, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 3-1-90LSC# W-11 Includes syllabus for PS 370 Public Administration
Steven Jackson, Political Science, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 9-21-95LSC# 169 Includes syllabus for PS 280 Comparative Political Systems: Western
Steven F. Jackson, Political Science, Type I Professor Recommitment Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-1414-34b LSC App-5/1/14, UWUCC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14
Mary Jane Kuffner Hirt, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 11-2-95LSC# 170 Includes syllabus for PS 481/581 Special Topics Leadership and Accountability in the Public Sector
Mary Jane Kuffner Hirt, Political Science, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-1413-212a Type I Professor Recommitment Writing Intensive, LSC App-4/21/14, UWUCC App-4/22/14, Senate App-4/29/14
Richard Heiges, Political Science, Type I Writing IntensiveLSC# W-2 Includes syllabus for PS 251 State and Local Political Systems
Dighton Fiddner, Political Science, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 9-29-11LSC# WI-5 Includes syllabus PLSC 465 Intelligence Process and Policy
David Chambers, Political Science, approved 7-15-91Includes syllabus PS 300 Research Methods in Political Science
David D. Chambers, Political Science, Type I Professor Recommitment Writing Intensive, approved 10-7-1414-34a LSC App-5/1/14, UWUCC App-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14
Pre-Law Interdisciplinary Minor06-56 new minor program, UWUCC App-4/17/07, Senate App-5/1/07
Minor - Homeland Security13-86a new minor program, UWUCC AP-10/22/13, Senate App-11/5/13
Political Science Minor87-25 catalog description addition
Political Science Minor, approved 12-4-1212-37a program revision, UWUCC App-11/13/12, Senate App-12/4/12
Minor - Political Science, approved 3-31-1514-138a program revision, Provost App-2/23/15, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15
International Studies Minor11-30b program revision, UWUCC AP-1/31/12, UWUCC App-2/21/12
Minor - International Studies, approved 3-31-1514-138b program revision, Provost App-2/23/15, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15
Bachelor of Arts-Political Science, Pre-Law Track, approved 4-29-0302-74c program revision, UWUCC App-3/25/03, Senate App-4/29/03
Bachelor of Arts-Political Science, Pre-Law Track, approved 2-24-0908-50 program revision, UWUCC App-1/13/09, Senate App-2/24/09
Bachelor of Arts Political Science - Pre-Law Track, approved 12-4-1212-37b program revision, UWUCC App-11/13/12, Senate App-12/4/12
Bachelor of Arts - Political Science, approved 4-29-0302-74a program revision, UWUCC App-3/25/03, Senate App-4/29/03
Bachelor of Arts Political Science, approved 12-4-1212-37c program revision, UWUCC App-11/13/12, Senate App-12/4/12
BA Political Science; BA Political Science-Pre-Law, BA International Studies11-72a program revisions, UWUCC AP-2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12
Bachelor of Arts International Studies, Political Science, withdrawn06-1 program revision, Withdrawn
Bachelor of Arts International Studies, Political Science, approved 4-29-0302-74b program revision, UWUCC App-3/25/03, Senate App-4/29/03
Bachelor of Arts International Studies, Political Science, approved 5-1-1211-30a program revision, UWUCC App-4/19/12, UWUCC App-5/1/12
Bachelor of Arts-Government and Public Service02-74d program revision, UWUCC App-3/25/03, Senate App-4/29/03
XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91
PLSC 489 Internship11-30i course deletion, UWUCC App-1/31/12, Senate App-2/21/12
PLSC 483 Special Topics02-20h course deletion, UWUCC App-10/22/02, Senate App-11/5/02
PLSC 465 Intelligence Process and Policy10-34 new course, UWUCC App-10/26/10, Senater App-12/7/10
PS 444 Science, Technology, and Public Policy87-26 title change (was Science, Technology, and Politics)
PLSC 422 International Law & Organizations11-30c new course, UWUCC App-1/31/12, Senate App-2/21/12
PLSC 405 Sexuality and Law, approved 4-28-1514-156 new course, UWUCC AP-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15
13-62 new course, UWUCC App-9/24/13, Senate App-10/8/13
PLSC 389 International Development Strategies11-30f course title change (was Developing Nations), UWUCC-App-1/31/12, Senate App-2/21/12
PLSC 388 Dimensions of National Security12-37e course title change (was Political-Military Strategy), UWUCC App-11/13/12, Senate App-12/4/12
PS 387 Political Systems: Latin AmericaLS-165, Non-western & Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-4/29/93
PS 383 Political Systems: AsiaNot approved as Non-western 4/3/97
PS 382 Political Systems: Africa, approved 2-6-92LS-167 Non-western & Elective, LSC App-2/6/92
PLSC 382 Political Systems: Africa, approved 12-3-1313-101a removed from the Liberal Studies Elective and Global and Multicultural Awareness categories, UWUCC App-11/19/13, Senate App-12/3/13
PLSC 376 Public Sector Budgeting and Financial Management08-21 new course, UWUCC AP-9/23/08, Senate App-12/2/08
PLSC 371 Issues in Public Administration, distance education05-20b UWUCC App-10/11/05, Senate Info.-11/1/05
PLSC 370 The Practice of Public Administration, approved 9-10-1312-135 course title change (was Introduction to Public Administration),catalog description change, UWUCC App-5/7/13, Senate App-9/10/13
PLSC 361 Modern Political Thought, Writing Intenstive Type III, approved 4-29-1413-212b Type III Professor Recommitment Writing Intensive, LSC App-4/21/14, UWUCC App-4/22/14, Senate App-4/29/14
PLSC 358 Judicial Process, distance education01-71 UWUCC App-4/30/02, Senate Info.-9/3/02
PLSC 357, 380, 386, 44412-37d course deletions, UWUCC App-11/13/12, Senate App-12/4/12
PLSC 354 Metropolitan Problems, distance education09-34 UWUCC App-10/20/09, Senate Info.-11/3/09
PLSC 351 Legislative Process, distance education05-20a UWUCC App-10/11/05, Senate Info.-11/1/05
PLSC 344 Terrorism13-86b new course, UWUCC AP-10/22/13, Senate App-11/5/13
PLSC 344 Terrorism, approved 4-28-1514-176 catalog description change, course revision-modify prerequisites, UWUCC AP-4/21/15, Senate App-4/28/15
PLSC 321 International Organizations11-30h course deletion, UWUCC App-1/31/12, Senate App-2/21/12
PLSC 320 International Law11-30g course deletion, UWUCC App-1/31/12, Senate App-2/21/12
PS 319 Developing NationsLS-166 Non-western and Liberal Studies Elective, LSC App-4/24/92
PS 300 Research Methods in Political Science90-9 number change (was 299)
PS 285 Comparative Government: Non-western SystemsLS-206 Non-western, LSC App-9/22/98
PS 282 International Relations90-9 course revision
PLSC 282 International Relations, withdrawn 7-20-1616-1 course revision, UWUCC R-1/31/12, Senate W-7/20/16
PLSC 260 Contemporary Political Science11-30e new course, UWUCC App-1/31/12, Senate App-2/21/12
PLSC 251 State and Local Political Systems, approved 4-29-1413-195 course revision, catalog description change, LSC AP-4/3/14, UWUCC AP-4/15/14, Senate App-4/29/14
PLSC 250 Public Policy, distance education04-25 UWUCC App-11/16/04, Senate App-12/7/04
PS 111 American Politics, approved 2-7-89LS-3 Social Science, LSC App-12/1/88, UWUCC App-1/24/89, Senate App-2/7/89
PS 111 American Politics, distance education2000 Archives
PLSC 111 American Politics approved 5-1-1211-72b course revision, UWUCC App-4/19/12, Senate App-5/1/12
PLSC 111 Power and Democracy in America, approved 2-4-1413-129 course title change (was American Politics), catalog description change, UWUCC AP-2/4/14, Senate App-2/25/14
PS 101 World PoliticsLS-2, LSC App-4/19/90, Senate App-11/13/90
PLSC 101 World Politics11-72c course revision, UWUCC AP-4/19/12, Senate App-5/1/12
IS 281 Special Topics in Non-Western Studies, 90-9190-91 Liberal Studies approved 6/27/90
IS 281 Special Topics in Non-Western Studies, 90-1190-11 liberal studies approved 6/27/90
ITST 281 Special Topics in Non-western Studies, approved 12-3-1313-101b Removed from the Liberal Studies Elective and Global and Multicultural Awareness categories, UWUCC App-11/19/13, Senate App-12/3/13