04-1c course or catalog description change, UWUCC Returned 5/2/01
MLSC ROTC Advanced Camp04-1a UWUCC Returned 5/2/01
MLSC Leadership Laboratory04-1b course or catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/11
MLSC AppendixCourse Number Changes
Liberal Studies Military ScienceXX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91
MLSC 407 Management of the Military Complex to Include Military and International LawMLSC 408 Transition to Lieutenant04-1k was Seminar in Military Analysis and Management, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/01
MLSC 408 Seminar in Military Analysis and Management08-5a course number change, UWUCC R-1/23/07
MLSC 407 Military Leadership, Management and Moral Duty04-1 was Management of the Military Complex to Include Fundamentals of Military and International Law, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/01
MLSC 401 Management of the Military Complex to Include Fundamentals of Military and International Law08-6b course number change, UWUCC R-1/23/07
MLSC 306 Study of Advanced Leader Planning and Execution of Modern Combat OperationsLS-230 Social Sciences
MLSC 306 Management of the Military Complex to Include Fundamentals of Military and International Law12-231 Liberal Studies Elective
MLSC 306 Small Unit Operations04-1i was Study of Advanced Leader Planning and Execution of Modern Combat Operations, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/01
MLSC 305 Fundamentals of Leadership and Modern Learning-Teaching RelationshipLS-229 Social Sciences
04-1h was Fundamentals of Leadership and Modern Learning/Thinking Relationship, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/01
MLSC 302 Study of Advance Leader Planning and Execution of Modern Combat Operations08-5c was MLSC 306, course number change
MLSC 301 Fundamentals of Leadership and Modern Learning, Teaching Relationship08-5d course number change UWUCC R-1/23/07
MLSC 204 Tactics and Offership04-1g was National Security and Fundamentals of Military Topography, course title change, course or catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/01
MLSC 203 Advanced Leadership04-1f was Fundamentals of Tactical Operations, course title change, course or catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/01
MLSC 201 Fundamentals of Tactical Operations, Techniques of Leadership, and Weapons Characteristics08-5e course number change, UWUCC R-1/23/07
MLSC 191-2, 291-2, 391-2, 491-2 Army ROTC Physical Fitness Development10-23 new course, UWUCC App-10/26/10, Senate App-12/7/10
MS 102 American Military History (1920-Present)90-39b title change (was American Military History)
MS 102 Fundamentals of Military Science, approved 4-4-9594-73 course revision, title change (was American Military History 1920-Present), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/28/95, Senate App-4/04/95
MLSC 102 Basic Military Leadership, returned 5-2-0104-1e was Fundamentals of Military Science, course title change, course or catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/01
MLSC 102 Fundamentals of Military Science, approved 5-1-1211-152b course revision, UWUCC App-4/10/12, Senate App-5/1/12
MS 101 American Military History (1650-1920)90-39a title change (was World Military History)
MLSC 101 Fundamental Military Science, returned 5-2-0104-1d was Introduction to Military Science, course title change, course or catalog description change, UWUCC Returned-5/2/01
MS 101 Introduction to Military Science, approved 4-4-9594-72 course revision, title change (was American Military History 1650-1920), catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/28/95, Senate App-4/04/95
MLSC 101 Introduction to Military Science, approved 5-1-1211-152a course revision, UWUCC App-4/10/12, Senate App-5/1/12