Literary Center HELPING YOUNG READERS Graduate students pursuing a master's degree in Literacy with Reading Specialist Certification can gain experience at the Literacy Center. At the center, services include testing, individual tutoring, and group reading/writing programs for children and adolescents.

What's happening for Professional Studies in Education Graduate Students?

As a Professional Studies in Education major, you can join Kappa Delta Pi and engage in other student activities on campus.

Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education that sponsors guest-speaker events and workshops for members.

The Literacy Center

TheBill and Judy Scheeren Literacy Center provides services for children and adolescents, including testing, individual tutoring, and group reading/writing programs. Graduate students pursuing a master's degree in Literacy with Reading Specialist Certification and some undergraduate students provide the services.

The Literacy Center also sponsors professional development for schools, workshops for parents and families, training for graduate students, and research projects and has literacy resources available and offers consulting for agencies.