
Instead of every site having a separate event calendar, in Cascade all events are created in the Events site. Filters are used to add an event to an individual area or office's calendar. 

Learn more about Working with Events.


Each individual office, department, or area can have a news feed on the site. If your site does not have a news feed and you feel you need one, please reach out to

News created in an area’s news folders in the CMS will display on the corresponding News listing page and include all published news from that area. There are dedicated listing pages for each year as well.

Like someone else’s news?
Don’t duplicate it—
Import it!

A filtered list of news can be added to other pages by adding a News Listing component. This component creates a filtered list of news by category and can be limited to the area’s news (Departmental), or can include news from anywhere on the site (Global). Get more info on the News how-to page.

Key News Terms

  • News Article: an individual news item
  • News Listing: the main (index) page and dedicated news feed for that site; displays news from that site, and can also display news from other sites via a manual selection
  • Yearly Index Page: news from a specific year, organized in monthly sections. Does not show news from other sites.
  • News Listing component: a component available on non-news listing pages used to display a customized list of news.

News How-To's