I. Call to order
In attendance: Baumler, Boser, Deckert, Hyde, Knight, Lewis, McCombie, Metz, Migyanka, Muchtar, Onwueme, Potts, Sechrist, Turner, Rost
Absent: Intemann (Onwueme attended to represent the provost)

II. Minutes from the August 31, 2010 meeting were approved as presented on a Lewis/Baumler motion.

III. Co-Chairs Report

A. Additional Handbook Changes and other items on the Senate Agenda
• The online version of the Handbook is the official version. Some page numbers do not match up due to text being added. Gail will ask the Senate for general approval to redo the references to pages. Also on page 4 of the handbook section about Dual-level courses, a reference to page 20 has been added.
• For the Senate, 2 distance ed. courses will be on the agenda – one from last semester and one approved last week.
• The Journalism program credits, Foreign Language statement and footnotes were incorrect when presented to the Senate. This will be brought up for reapproval at the next Senate meeting.

IV. Items for Review/Possible Actions:

A. There was no Honors College Committee Report.

B. There was no Liberal Studies Committee report.

C. 10-19a ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I, course revision
• Revise: 3 lecture hours, followed by 0 lab hours, followed by 3 credits (3c-0l-3cr).
• Provide a reference that the last objective matches the AOL matrix.
• Need to add in 3 hours plus a culminating activity in the outline.
• Need to add at least 3 more references to the bibliography.
• Provisional approval given based on a Lewis/Boser motion.

D. 10-19b ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II, course revision
• Revise: 3 lecture hours, followed by 0 lab hours, followed by 3 credits (3c-0l-3cr) .
• Need to add in 3 hours plus a culminating activity in the outline.
• Edit course description to match the catalog.
• Question about C in prerequisite course must be addressed because it is in the old syllabus.
• Provisional approval given based on a Potts/Boser motion.

E. 10-20b FIN 310 Fundamentals of Finance, course revision
• Revise: 3 lecture hours, followed by 0 lab hours, followed by 3 credits (3c-0l-3cr).
• New to address the fact that there does not seem to be an old syllabus of record.
• Prerequisites need to match the catalog.
• Need to provide a summary of changes.
• Add headings or use the Course Outline in the Handbook.
• Returned in order to address above issues by consensus of committee.

F. 10-21 IFMG 300 Management Information Systems: Theory and Practice, course revision
• Suggest that the proposer appropriately renumber the outline.
• Approved on a Boser/Potts motion, Hyde abstained.

G. 10-17b DVST 095 Introduction to College Math II, Distance Education
• Two members of the DVST department joined the meeting. (Paul Hrabvosky and Parveen Ali)
• Addressed were:
o Difference between remedial and developmental courses.
o The student population taking DVST math courses is not necessarily identified as Developmental students since many may be testing low in only math.
o DVST 095 online is geared for adult or non-traditional/students who have difficulty making it to campus to take the course.
o Dean of the regional campus must still approve of a student taking an online course.
o They are Piloting the use of Skype.
o Concern was expressed that offering an online course because of constraints in faculty resources is not a sound educational move.
o What is there to indicate that students who have struggled with math and/or have stress related to math for years will be successful in an online course? The online forum will help alleviate the problem. Communicating mathematically will be stressed in the course.
o Attendance is mandatory in the catalog course description. How can this be accounted for in the online version?
o How will differentiation be made between students who need the in-class course and those who need the online course? The way in which it is handled at the regional campuses through the Dean should address this.
o Difference between incompetent and inexperienced with computers was discussed.
o The online course is not meant to replace the in-class version. It is meant to be an option for students who cannot take the course in-class.
o Suggestions to improve the course:
 Take the course concurrently with the course into which they placed (e.g. MATH 100).
 Make the class a more interactive, online environment.
o DVST 095 is only offered to Northpointe and Punxsutawney students most Indiana students take the 1, 2 or 3 one credit DVST math courses.
o Is videoconferencing an option? Yes. It is already occurring in other courses and is allowed by the CBA.
o The peer support network is still under development for branch campuses.
o If DVST courses are offered at other colleges, why don't students take those courses instead of developing an online course.
• Action was tabled until the next meeting on Sept. 21, 2010.

Adjourned at 5:16 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lou Metz