I. Call to order
In attendance: Baumler, Boser, Deckert, Hyde, Knight, Lewis, Metz, McCombie, Migyanka,
Muchtar, Onwueme, Potts, Sechrist, Turner, Rost
Absent: Intemann (Onwueme attended to represent the provost)

II. On a Potts/Lewis motion the minutes from the October 19, 2010 meeting were approved.

III. Co-Chairs Report:

  • DVST has formally withdrawn their proposal for the online DVST 095 course because they plan to
    revise the proposal so our denial of the course to be offered via Distance Education was removed from the Senate Agenda.
  • Marcy Rearick informed Sechrist that the Opera course approved by Senate on April 20th should have had its credits 0/1cr to match the other ensemble courses. This correction was added to the Senate Agenda.
  • Marcy Rearick also informed Sechrist and Karen Rivosecchi that the credits were not adding up correctly on VOED programs. And that the LPN degree should have a range added to the credits reflecting the information in footnote 2.

IV. Items for Review/Possible Action:

A. Honors College Committee Report:

  • No report

B. Liberal Studies Committee Report:

  • No Report

C. 10-9d Mathematics 450 Topics in Applied Computational Mathematics, new course

  • On a Baumler/McCombie motion the course was approved with Metz abstaining.

D. 10-23 MLSC 191/192/291/292/391/392/491/492 Army ROTC Physical Fitness Development,
new course

  • Edit course description by starting with “Principles of…” and eliminating everything prior.
  • On a Knight/Baumler motion the course was approved with the edits to the description.

E. 10-28d ARED 315 Issues of Art in K-12 Programs, course revision, catalog description change

  • Eliminate ‘your' in Course Outcome 5.
  • Under VI. Attendance Policy add “Catalog” after Undergraduate.
  • Perhaps an outcome for the state curriculum standards should be added since they are in the course description, course outline, and evaluation methods.
  • An entry for Course Outcome 7 should be added to the matrix.
  • On a Boser/Baumler motion the course was provisionally approved depending on the above changes, with Turner abstaining.

F. 10-28e ARED 320 Teaching Art Criticism K-12, course revision, catalog description change

  • The Course Outline is short by 2 hours and there are two Vs in the outline.
  • The course matrix is missing.
  • On a Potts/Lewis motion the course was provisionally approved depending on the above changes, with Turner abstaining.

G. 10-28a Bachelor of Science in Education Art Education, program revision

  • Title of the degree is missing on the side by side and some of the items are hidden on the printed copy
  • Need approval of 2 WI courses from Liberal Studies.
  • On a McCombie/Boser motion the program revision was provisionally approved with Turner abstaining.

H. 10-34 PLSC 465 Intelligence Process and Policy, new course

  • On a Hyde/Baumler motion the course was approved.

I. 10-27a SOC 357 Sociology of Aging, course revision

  • On a Hyde/Baumler motion the revision was returned because the course outline was incomplete, with Boser abstaining.

J. 10-27b SOC 336 Sociology of Family, course revision

  • On a Hyde/Baumler motion the revision was returned because the course outline was incomplete, with Boser abstaining.

K. 10-42a ECED 221 Literature for the Young Child and Adolescent, catalog description change.

  • On a Baumler/Potts motion the change was approved, with Migyanka abstaining.

L. 10-42b ECED 250 Language Development, catalog description change

  • On a Baumler/Potts motion the change was approved, with Migyanka abstaining.

M. 10-42c ECSP 340 Introduction to Classroom and Behavior Management, catalog description change

  • On a Baumler/Potts motion the change was approved, with Migyanka abstaining. There was one abstention.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lou Metz