I. Call to Order
In attendance: Baumler, Boser, Deckert, Hyde, Lewis, McCombie, Metz, Migyanka,
Muchtar, Onwueme , Pistole, Potts, Rost, Sechrist

Excused: Knight, Turner Absent: Intemann (Onwueme attended for Intemann)

II. On a Hyde/Baumler motion the corrected minutes from the March 1, 2011 meeting were

III. Co-Chairs Report:
A. The Liberal Studies compromise program is going on the March Senate agenda if the
UWUCC approves today. Any changes will be reported to Edel Reilly after our meeting.
The agenda will go out later this evening.

IV. Liberal Studies Committee Report
A. David Pistole reported the Compromise Curriculum Framework was discussed and supported
by the Council of Chairs at their March 2nd meeting.

V. Items for Review/Possible Action:
A. 10-65 LBST Framework Revision and Related Criteria, program proposal (includes proposals
10-11a, 11d, 11f, 11g, 11h, 11i, 11j, 11k, 11m, 11n, & 11o)

  • A discussion of the Compromise Curriculum Framework resulted in the following suggested changes:
    • On the “Approved Curriculum Framework” column heading, add “Senate” approved “Spring 2009”
    • On the “Compromise Curriculum Framework” column heading, add to
      “Spring 2011”
    • On the “Changes from Current Curriculum” column heading, add the word “Catalog” before “Curriculum.”
    • Add to the last column “Liberal Studies Electives 0 – 9.”
    • To page 4, II. Overview of the compromise curriculum proposal, change “from 48 (current) to 43 (current)” to “from 48” to “48-56 (current) to 43-51.”
  • On a Migyanka/McCombie the Compromise Curriculum Framework with the suggested changes was approved. One person abstained.
  • A discussion of the Liberal Studies Related Criteria resulted in the following changes to the Global and Multicultural Awareness Criteria :
    • A Boser/Lewis motion to add a bullet as a first bullet for Global and Multicultural Awareness Required Course Content, “the interrelationships within and across cultures and global communities”. One person voted no.
    • A Lewis/Hyde motion to remove the sentence under Global and Multicultural Awareness, “Students are able to fulfill this requirement by completing any 200-level foreign language course approved to meet the Global and Multicultural Awareness requirement.” was approved. Two no votes.
  • On a Lewis/McCombie motion the Related Criteria with the suggested changes were approved.

    The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Mary Lou Metz