Gian Pagnucci’s Lucky Break—Meet Our Faculty

Of all the things that could have sent him in his life’s direction, getting hit by a car when he was a kid did the trick for Gian Pagnucci. Learn more about him in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Tamara Whited on Finding Truth in History—Meet Our Faculty

It’s said that the truth often changes over time, but facts remain. When Tamara Whited first understood this, she made a career chasing the elusive historical truth. Learn more about her in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

DeAnna Laverick on the Circle of Teaching—Meet Our Faculty

A former kindergarten teacher, DeAnna Laverick realized the impact teachers can have when some of her former students enrolled at IUP to become teachers. Learn more about her in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Chris Schaney Is Hooked on Geography—Meet Our Faculty

Chris Schaney went to graduate school and landed in the world of geographic information systems. He now shares his passion as a member of the IUP faculty. Learn more about him in this week’s installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Nurhaya Muchtar on Storytelling in the Media—Meet Our Faculty

Like many people, Nurhaya Muchtar was on a career path that ended up leading her elsewhere, and she found a career she never expected. Learn more about her in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

John Lowery on Thriving in Higher Ed—Meet Our Faculty

Getting involved as an undergraduate helped show John Lowery what the world of higher education has to offer. He’s now sharing those lessons with his students. Learn more about him in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Erin Reed on Experiencing Food—Meet Our Faculty

When Erin Reed learned how a good meal can positively affect people, she knew she had found her career path. Learn more about this Academy of Culinary Arts chef instructor in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Josiah Townsend on Learning about Life—Meet Our Faculty

Since he was little, Josiah Townsend has been curious about anything that lives and breathes. He took that curiosity and made a career for himself. Learn more about him in this week’s Meet Our Faculty feature.

Kacey Cowburn on Making an Impact: Meet Our Faculty

As a speech-language pathologist, Kacey Cowburn knew she could help people. But by becoming a faculty member, she extended her reach well beyond what it was before. Learn more about her in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Jeff Larkin on Finding a Career in Nature—Meet Our Faculty

A summer job in college turned out to be more than a way for Jeff Larkin to earn some cash. It introduced him to a career in conservation biology. Learn more about him in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Crystal Machado on Being Picked to Teach—Meet Our Faculty

At first, Crystal Machado thought she should avoid teaching and should study business. But soon after earning her first college degree, she started listening to the voices that said otherwise. Learn more in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Veronica Paz on the Language of Business—Meet Our Faculty

For Veronica Paz, accounting is more than numbers at the bottom of a ledger. It’s a language that explains in great detail what happened and why. Learn more about her in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Justin Fair on Chemical Bonds—Meet Our Faculty

As a child, Justin Fair learned that chemistry has many practical applications, including in national defense. He used his knowledge to serve his country. Now he shares that expertise with students. Learn more in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Lydia Rodríguez on the Best of Both Worlds—Meet Our Faculty

She probably had no way of knowing it at the time, but Lydia Rodríguez’s childhood set her up for the career she now has. Learn more about this Department of Foreign Languages professor in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Alida Merlo on Learning by Teaching—Meet Our Faculty

Alida Merlo’s first job was as a juvenile probation officer, but her thirst to know more led her to a career teaching criminology at IUP. Learn more about the 2020-21 Distinguished University Professor in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.

Zach Collins on the Steady Climb to Proficiency—Meet Our Faculty

Zach Collins knows that nobody picks up an instrument for the first time and is a virtuoso. It takes time and consistent effort, and that’s what he enjoys about teaching. Learn about him in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.