Learn from Professors with Expertise and Global Perspective
The computer science and mathematics faculty members come from diverse backgrounds and interests. They have won the respect of job recruiters nationwide for the way they prepare IUP students to join the workforce.
Our professors' genius and passion for math and computer science are matched by their sincere wish to provide students with as much personal attention as necessary. International perspectives and varied awards and achievements allow this talented group of teachers to bring a global outlook to the essential task of preparing you for exponential growth on campus and in the real world.
Personal Attention Leads to Exponential Growth
All of our classes are taught by our professors, not by grad students. This focus on teaching from full-time professors is why so many IUP graduates enter the job market well prepared and quickly rise to leadership positions.
Generating exciting paid internships that lead to employment is the result of faculty outreach. Continuous communication with alumni creates rich opportunities for each IUP graduating class.
Excellent faculty guidance extends to internships. Your professor will visit you at the job site to ensure your experience is productive and meaningful.
Professors who teach the education courses have all had extensive experience teaching K-12 mathematics.
Many faculty members collaborate with students on their undergraduate research projects. You'll have the opportunity to work closely with a professor on a project that is either publishable research or just an interesting project that introduces you to some new area of mathematics.