3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101

Present: Y. Asamoah, M. Florez, M. Hildebrandt, M. Knoch, D. Pistole, , J. Su, M. Swinker, T. Wacker

Excused: F. Slack

For Action:

  1. Motion to approve minutes of 20 January, 2011: Wacker/Su - Passed: Unanimous.
  2. Writing Proposal: The committee reviewed the revisions to the SPAN 230 Intermediate Spanish Composition and Grammar course.
  3. Wacker/Knoch motion to give a provisional approval to the course passed (6/0/0). The committee does not need to see the proposal again but full approval will not be given until the minor revisions are completed and checked by Pistole.

    The revisions are:
    1. The proposers will need to revise the Electronic Messages description. The example given on the final page (pages need to be numbered as well) does not match the description of 3. Electronic messages. We assume that the example is for the first e-mail which will only go to the professor but that the other two messages will go to either peers or the instructor as indicated in 3. Simply clarify what is expected.
    2. On page 9 in the rubric - delete the missed classes portion. We suggest that if you want something more there to refer to your description on p. 10 or the university policy. As it is written now - the student could miss one class a week and still get a B for the course or miss two classes a week and still get a C for the course.
  4. E. Liberal Studies Courses: LIBR 151 Introduction to Information Literacy was briefly reviewed by the committee but is being returned to the proposer for revisions. Pistole will discuss the numerous issues with the proposal with the proposer.


1. The UWUCC (1 February, 2011 meeting) is in general agreement with our compromise curriculum proposal. The committee discussed ways to help keep the proposal moving through the approval process.

Motion to Adjourn: Asamoah/Swinker. Passed: Unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.