3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101

Present: Y. Asamoah, M. Hildebrandt, E.Hwang, D. Pistole, F. Slack, T. Wacker, G. Wilson

Excused: M. Knoch, M. Swinker, M. Taddie

For Action:

  1. Wilson/Wacker motion to approve the minutes of the 21 October and 28 October 2010 meetings. Approved - Unanimous.
  2. SYN 160 LBST 499 Music and Culture around the World - T. Wacker will contact the proposer to discuss some of the committee's concerns and D. Pistole will invite the proposer to a meeting to discuss the issues.
  3. Asamoah/Hildebrandt motion to approve WI-1 PHYS 101 Energy and Our Environment as a W course with the minor revisions to the course objectives. Passed 6/0/0.
  4. Wilson/Asamoah motion to approve WI-2 ECED 250 Language Development as a W course. Passed 6/0/0.
  5. Hildebrandt/Wacker motion to approve the course revision and catalog description change for ARED 317 Art In K-6 Programs and ARED 318 Art in 7-12 Programs. Passed 6/0/0.

For Discussion:

  1. The committee continued to discuss the results of the provost/president meeting about Liberal Studies: where we are. We discussed issues of resources and reallocations and their impact on implementing the new curriculum.
  2. The committee began discussion of the questions brought forth from the Senate Rules committee. We will continue the discussion at next week's meeting.

Motion to Adjourn: Wilson/Wacker. Passed: Unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.