Reach for Expanded Opportunities and Greater Satisfaction in Criminology
You can only go so far in the criminal justice system without a higher degree. In many organizations it's an unspoken but recognized fact that certain positions are only filled by those with a master's degree.
Furthermore, because criminology majors are in such demand, there is need for more professors with PhDs. This explains why in the criminology and criminal justice market there are more professorships available than there are candidates.
MA in Criminology (On Campus and Online)
With a master's degree in criminology from IUP, either on campus or online, you will be well-prepared for a wide range of administrative and research careers in the criminal justice system and related fields-and well-positioned for leadership roles. The MA programs also provide a solid foundation for students planning to pursue doctoral studies. And because many applicants are currently working in the field, we offer an online program so you can earn a master's degree in one year full-time, or two years going part-time, while you work.
PhD in Criminology
The PhD in Criminology at IUP focuses on preparing future faculty through an integrated approach to research, theory, the study of the criminal justice system, and teaching/educational issues. Nationwide, colleges and universities are expanding, or introducing new, programs to meet the demands of students who want to major in criminology and criminal justice. This unprecedented growth has created a continuous demand for those with individuals with a PhD who can teach. Preparing future faculty for these positions is what IUP does best.
The IUP Difference
The IUP Criminology Network. Since the start of the IUP master's program in the 1970s, we have graduated over 8,000 students who now work at every level of government. This has created a network of alumni whose reputations have helped established a recognition that a master's from IUP means something special. To date we have graduated more than 115 students with a doctorate. Our students who graduate with a doctorate primarily work at four-year colleges and universities across the United States. Our current students, undergraduate, master's, and doctorate and alumni interact throughout the year at department-sponsored events held at our annual conferences.
The IUP Faculty. Our full-time professors offer a wide range of real-world skills and scholarship. Many of them are nationally recognized in their disciplines. While all are expected to conduct research and publish in journals, their primary emphasis is in teaching and advising their students, and, for PhD candidates, to mentor them to become the new generation of teacher/scholars.