Curriculum Vitae Tips

This website is beneficial to the job-seeker who needs to distinguish between a résumé and a curriculum vitae and when to use each. It also provides some helpful tips for writing cover letters, their format, and what information to include within them. Finally, it offers additional links to other curriculum vitae and cover letter pages as well as links to job listings around the world. (Karen Geist; 3/99)

Job Star

Job Star is a California-based company with an excellent résumé website on résumés, curriculum vitae (CV), and cover letters. It contains information on the different types of résumés (chronological, functional, and electronic, as well as curriculum vitae), including definitions of them, tips, samples, and how to figure out the right kind of résumé for the job you're searching for. In addition, there is a section on cover letters which gives samples and tips on how to write good ones. There are also links to other helpful résumé, cover letter, and CV websites. (Jen H. 4/99)

“Web-able” Résumés

This comprehensive website includes preparation for how to get your résumé information into résumé databases, basic scanning of actual résumés, preparing your résumé for OCR scanning (Optical Character Recognition), creating a résumé for e-mailing, tips on creating a résumé to post in on-line résumé databanks, and a brief introduction to HTML résumés. It also has numerous links to other résumé websites. The site is organized around questions that résumé writers might have, and so is especially useful to those who have specific queries. (John Eno; 4/99)