IUP PD Donates to Food Pantry
The IUP Police Department was proud to make their annual donation to the Food Pantry on campus; helping students in need.
The IUP Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report provides crime and fire statistics representing calendar years 2020, 2021, and 2022. The Hazing Report provides information on hazing incidents on campus.
Crime AlertsCrime alerts issued by the University Police Office.
Timely Crime Warnings about Emergency SituationsThe IUP Police Department follows the regulations outlined in the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Police and Crime Statics Act (Clery Act) related to issuing a Timely Crime Warning.
Learn about what to do in an emergency and register to be notified about emergencies.
IUP Police Department Issues Statement on Anti-Racism and DiscriminationThe IUP Department of Public Safety and University Police stands firmly against racism and discrimination of any kind, and we do not tolerate acts of racial violence or other forms of hate and oppression in our community or in our department.
News Releases: Daily Crime LogThe Daily Crime Log contains crimes that have been reported to the University Police Department.
Provide information to IUP Police about on-campus crime or suspicious activity.