Incoming students for the Applied Math MS should have completed a calculus sequence and introductory courses in linear algebra, ordinary differential equations, and probability and statistics. Students should also have computer programming experience. Some experience with theoretical course work is strongly recommended.
The MS in Applied Mathematics consists of the following graduate courses:
I. Core Courses* (15 credits)
MATH 545: Deterministic Models in Operations Research (3 credits)
MATH 546: Probabilistic Models in Operations Research (3 credits)
MATH 563: Mathematical Statistics I (3 credits)
MATH 564: Mathematical Statistics II (3 credits)
MATH 625: Analysis for Applied Mathematics (3 credits)
*Required unless comparable courses have been taken at the undergraduate level. No more than 3 credits may be waived from a total of 30 credits of coursework.
II. Controlled Electives (15 credits)
MATH 523: Complex Variables (3 credits)
MATH 547: Modeling and Simulation (3 credits)
MATH 551: Numerical Methods for Supercomputers (3 credits)
MATH 640: Numerical Mathematics (3 credits)
MATH 641: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 643: Graphs, Networks, and Combinatorics (3 credits)
MATH 645: Nonlinear Programming Models (3 credits)
MATH 647: Advanced Simulation (3 credits)
MATH 665: Applied Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments (3 credits)
MATH 667: Applied Statistical Methods (3 credits)
At least 12 credits must be at the 600 level.
III. Additional Electives
Other graduate-level mathematics courses may be selected with approval of the student's advisor. Also, with the advisor's approval, up to six credit hours of graduate work may be taken in disciplines such as chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, management information systems, and physics.
The MS in Applied Mathematics requires a minimum of 27 credits of course work in addition to the research requirement listed below.
IV. Research Requirements (3-6 credits)
Option I
Math 795: Thesis, 3 cr.
Option II
MATH 698: Internship, 6 cr.
Total: 33-36 credits