Images need to be a specific size on our website to look their best across all devices. Please resize your images before uploading them to the CMS. 

  • Half-width or smaller images: 737 pixels wide
  • Full-width images: 750 pixels wide
  • Image resolution: 72

How to resize images with Photoshop.

Additional image sizes for the IUP website.

Remember to resize images before uploading them to the CMS.

Important: Never enlarge image sizes. This will result in a lower quality that will not look good.

Photoshop is available on all IUP campus computers. Here are instructions on how to resize images with Photoshop

If you have difficulty using Photoshop or if you do not have access to a photo-resizing program, a web search will reveal available online tools.

Why Resize Images?

We don't want website visitors to download unnecessarily large image files. Improperly resizing them in the CMS can cause photos to become distorted, pixelated, or fuzzy. Using Photoshop or another image editor gives you better control over the reduction process.