In Attendance: Brzycki, Chiarulli, Conbere,Janosko,McDevitt, McElroy, McFerron, O'Neil, Onyett, Pankaj, Sherwood, D.Smith, J. Smith, Yost, Yuhas.

Excused: Balint, Branthoover, Giever, Kornfeld, Lenze, Mocek, Pagnucci, Woodland.

Absent: Asamoah, Blood, Dadson, Reed, Van Wieren.

Guests: Cunningham, DiStanislao.


Approval of Minutes

February 17, 2010 Meeting

The minutes for the February 17, 2010 will be presented for approval at the April meeting.

Co-chairs Report:

Financial Report

Rick McFerron reported that the current balance in SAP is $26,357.76.


Nick Conbere from the College of Fine Arts, Art Department was welcomed to ACPAC. One vacancy still existsCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences.


ACPAC was reminded of the ACPAC Innovation Forum and Poster Session on April 21, 2010. This event will occur from 11:00 until 2:00 as part of Research Appreciation week. Awardees of the ACPAC Innovation Fund monies will present their posters at this event.

JB Smith noted that contact has been made with all members to inquire about interest in the Elected Co-chair position that he will vacate at the end of the year. At this time the lone candidate for this position is Nate McElroy.

A motion was made by Therese O'Neil and seconded by Ken Sherwood to alter the order of agenda items so that Rich DiStanislao could present on the Student Success Center Help Lab. Motion passed.

Standing Reports:

Report from Funds Review Subcommittee (McFerron)

No report.

Report from the Virtual Environments Coordinating Committee (Onyett)

This committee met on March 5. Discussion included the redesign or repurpose of Crimson Island and funding for renewal of islands in Second Life. Plans are being made to offer aguided sandbox.

Report from the Web Advisory Board(Pagnucci)

Dolores Brzycki and Lloyd Onyett reported that the boardmet and discussed results from the "Needs and Best Practices" website. They are currently gathering data regarding websites visited, actions taken, and trends.

Report from Student Computing Subcommittee (McDevitt)

No report.

Report from the On-line Learning Subcommittee (Brzycki)

A draft of the process for selection and setting priorities for Moodle enhancements was distributed. ACPAC will provide the final review and recommendation for these projects. A list of requests would be published on the web to prevent duplication of requests. The IT Support Center will be the official point of contact.

The following motion was approved:

ACPAC approves the process for selection and setting priorities for Moodle projects. (motion: Onyett; second: Yost).

Discussion regarding faculty feedback about Desire2Learn occurred. Some faculty members are concerned that they will be forced to convert from Moodle to Desire2Learn while others fear they would be prohibited from using Desire2Learn.IUP continues to provide thesame level of commitment to Moodle as directed by the Provost. There will be no additional humanresources devoted to Desire2Learn. IUP must pay the mandated portion of the fee for Desire2Learn resulting in the funds being used to payWebCT not being available for other purposes.

Report from the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (Onyett)

No report.

Report from the Student Operations Group (Pankaj)

The changes to passwords have been recently communicated to the university.

Report from the DE Planning and Work Group (Brzycki)

This group continues to work on developing goals for distance education based upon the SWOT analysis that was completed.

Report from the CIO office (Balint)

No report.

Reports from the Action Teams:

Student Pictures Team -- Smith, Convener

With approval from cabinet, this project has been listed by IT Services. The action team will assist in the development of specifications for the project.

Optical Test Scoring Team -- McElroy, Convener

The survey of faculty members resulted in 146 responses. The action team will meet Friday at 1:00 to continue its work.

Digital Repository Team -- Sherwood, Convener

The digital repository project is waiting to be assigned a rank on the IT Services project list.

E-mail Client Evaluation Team -- Onyett, Co-convener

Lookout will be adopted as the replacement web e-mail client. The conversion date is 15 April 2010 but I-mail will still be available until July. It is anticipated that users will have little difficulty making this change. The action team will continue to investigate electronic calendars and other e-mail clients.

Training/Professional Development Team -- Pagnucci/Smith, Conveners

No report.

New Business:

Preliminary Review of IT Services Projects

The list of IT Services Projects was distributed. ACPAC members were asked to become familiar with the list. Before the April meeting, ACPAC members will be asked to assign a rank to each project. Additional descriptions of the projects will be provided. The final rankings will be discussed and approved at the April meeting.

Presentation by Rich DiStanislao, Director, Student Success Center

The Student Success Center is committed to helping all students (graduate and undergraduate). A survey was conducted about 1 years ago regarding student awareness of services offered and where to obtain help. From that survey discussion occurred about what can be done to help all students. Since presentations are a requirement for most IUP coursework, students can benefit from a "help center" to prepare presentations and e-portfolios (with multimedia). Students make appointments and receive assistance either one-on-one (2 machines), via multimedia equipment (2 PODS like the Library offers), or a group presentation room equipped with large screen television and 8 laptopsto accommodate up to 8 students working on a presentation. For the remainder of this semester, this Center is open 4:00-9:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and is led by a graduate student and a few undergraduate students.

Old Business:

Public Access to ACPAC Website

A location has been developed on the ACPAC website to allow the public viewing of ACPAC documents. Those subcommittees and action teams that have documents to place in this area will be contacted.

Electronic Wait List

The electronic wait list feature in Banner will be piloted this fall. Dan Burkett, Associate Dean, NSM, is working with Jan Mellon in the Scheduling office to develop the specifications of how this feature will be implemented. It was suggested that Dan should be invited to give some feedback to ACPAC in the fall.

Other Business:

Information about the New Media Consortium was forwarded from Bill Balint and shared with ACPAC. Dan Yuhas distributed the IT Support Center Call Summary.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM.

Next Meeting: April 21, 2010


Prepared by Rick McFerron with notes from Kim White.