University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
16A Leonard Hall

I. Call to Order
Present: Craig, Hannibal, Hyde, Intemann, Lewis, McCombie, Mensch, Metz, Migyanka, Potts, Sechrist, Turner
Excused: Numan Absent: Crocker, Krastin, Widdowson

II. Minutes from November 17, 2009 Curriculum Committee Meeting approved on a Migyanka/Hannibal motion after the Liberal Studies report was changed.

III. Co-Chairs Report
--Sechrist explained the problems with the Liberal Studies report for the Dec. 1 Senate Agenda,
both were a combination of the Liberal Studies Director not being a member of UWUCC
and the lack of clarity in the Liberal Studies report as submitted to UWUCC. UWUCC
may want to ask the Rules Committee again about whether the LS Director should be a
required seat on UWUCC—about 15 years ago the response was no. The consensus was
that when the LS Criteria start appearing on the Senate agenda that the LS Director
should attend Senate.
--Sechrist also reported that Dr. Luckey responded that the Military Service proposed change
came from the Veterans Outreach Group (which includes students, staff, and faculty--
including the Military Science Department). A revision will be submitted in Jan.

IV. Items for Review/Possible Action:
A. Honors College Committee Report:
• No report
B. Liberal Studies Committee Report:
• Liberal Studies report changes
• Approved GEOG/RGPL 103 World Cities as non-western cultures course.
• Approved William Donner as a Type 1 (professor commitment) writing intensive instructor.
• Provisionally approved SOC 461 Social Research Methods II as a Type II (Departmental) writing intensive course.
C. 09-40a Liberal Studies Criteria (General Statement)
Tabled. Needs better definition on page 4 of what is meant by “technical, professional or pre-professional courses” (which LBST courses must be distinguished from).
D. 09-40b Liberal Studies Criteria Mathematics
Approved on a Hannibal/Lewis motion.
E. 09-40c Liberal Studies Criteria Fine Arts
Tabled. Do these credits have to come from the College of Fine Arts? If that is the intention, shouldn't it be stated as such?
F. 09-40d Liberal Studies Criteria Philosophy & Religious Studies
Tabled. Awaiting final response/approval from the Philosophy Department.
G. 09-40e Liberal Studies Criteria Natural Science
Approved on a Lewis/McCombie motion.
H. 09-38a Bachelor of Science in Education – Music Education, program revision
Approved on a Potts/McCombie motion.
I. 09-38b MUSC 240 Technology in the Music Classroom, course revision, catalog description change
Returned on a Hannibal/Migyanka motion. Clean up catalog description. Shift 2 credits to bottom of list so 2 lecture hours is on top. Most of the objectives seem to include an assessment technique, but number 4 does not. Should 4 be worded “ gain experience in using web based tools and resources and understand their application . . . “
Shouldn't objective 5 begin demonstrate or some other verb vs examine. Also in the matrix the word diverse is used but in the objective the word is disabilities. Needs better consistency between how course objectives are measured, the matrix, and the evaluation assignments. For example, course objective 6 specifies a three-page research paper, but this does not appear to be a requirement in the syllabus.
J. 09-37a Culinary Dietetics, new track
Approved on a Lewis/Hyde motion.
K. 09-36c Minor in Applied Statistics, program revision
Approved on a Potts/Lewis motion. Metz and Hyde abstained.
L. 09-37b Minor in Food and Nutrition (was Minor in Nutrition), revision of minor
Change “s.h.” to “cr” throughout.
Approved provisionally on a Lewis/McCombie motion.
M. 09-39a SAFE 111 Principles of Safety I – General Industry, catalog description change
Approved on a Craig/Migyanka motion.
N. 09-39b SAFE 220 Hazardous Materials, catalog description change
Approved on a Craig/Migyanka motion.
O. 09-39c SAFE 311 Fire Protection, catalog description change
Approved on a Craig/Migyanka motion.
P. 09-39d SAFE 330 Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Occupational Health Hazards I, catalog description change
Approved on a Craig/Migyanka motion.
Q. 09-39e SAFE 345 Systems Safety Analysis, catalog description change
Approved on a Craig/Migyanka motion.
R. 09-39f SAFE 347 Ergonomics, catalog description change
Approved on a Craig/Migyanka motion.
S. 09-39g SAFE 410 Environmental Safety and Health Regulations, catalog description change
Approved on a Craig/Migyanka motion.
T. 09-39h SAFE 430 Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Occupational Health Hazards II
Approved on a Craig/Migyanka motion.
U. 09-43 ECON 101 Basic Economics, distance education
Approved Hannibal/Migyanka motion. Potts abstained.
V. 09-24k MATH 151 Elements of Mathematics I, course revision, catalog description change
Provisionally approved on a Lewis/Hannibal motion. Needs to be approved by the Liberal Studies Committee. Objective 5 is not measurable, i.e. how does one “recognize oneself?” Add final exam to hours for testing and outline. Metz abstained.
W. 09-24l MATH 152 Elements of Mathematics II, course revision, catalog description change
Provisionally approved on a Migyanka/Lewis motion. Objective 5 is not measurable. Add final exam to hours for testing and outline. Needs to be approved by the Liberal Studies Committee. Metz abstained.
X. 09-24m MATH 320 Mathematics for Early Childhood, course revision, catalog description change
Returned: There was concern about the overlap between this course and ELED
313, also it seemed that some of the concepts in the course might be above the
level stated in the proposal as PreK to Grade 1. The final exam needs to be
added to the outline and the number of hours for testing.
Y. 09-24n ELED 313 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School, course revision, catalog description change
Returned: There was concern about the overlap between this course and MATH
320—the title, course description and content should be distinctive from ELED
313. The final exam needs to be added to the outline and the number of hours
for testing.
Z. 09-30 B.S. in Biology/Ecology, Conservation, and Environmental Biology Track, new track
Approved on a Lewis/Potts motion.

Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Chauna Craig