3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101

Present: Y. Asamoah, M. Hildebrandt, K. McKee, R. Pavloski, D. Pistole, M. Taddie, G. Wilson, C. Zoni
Excused: F. Slack, T. Wacker

1. Approve minutes of 4 March 2010 meeting -Zoni/Taddi motion: passed 7/0/1.

2. Welcome to our newest member, Dr. Raymond Pavloski from the college of Natural
Science and Mathematics. He replaces D. Pistole from the college now that he
is the director.

3. Wilson/Zoni motion to designate LBST (199 or another number) as the prefix for First
Year Seminar. Passed 8/0/0.

4. Pistole and Wilson gave an update of the latest UWUCC meeting. All parts of the
criteria except Capstone have been passed by the UWUCC.

5. Pistole reported that IT services (Dan Yuhas, Todd Cunningham, and Amanda
Marshall) have been helping to develop resources to aid in the transition to the
new curriculum

6. The committee discussed more implementation plans and issues.

Motion to adjourn: Hildebrandt/Taddi - Passed Unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.