Frequently asked questions about the Criminal Justice Training Center.
Yes. If you choose a payment plan, a fee may be added to your account.
We do not have a formal job placement service; but, many police departments notify the CJTC when they are hiring, and the information is posted and transmitted electronically to all academies. Cadet contact lists are maintained beyond graduation and new job listings are sent on a regular basis. Recruiting officers from various police agencies visit all academy classes. Occasionally police department entrance tests are given during academy training.
Yes, providing the state in question has reciprocity. In most cases, the required course work for certification in another state would be courses relating to state laws (such as vehicle codes and crimes codes).
Employment rates are difficult to calculate. However, position openings are numerous throughout Pennsylvania and across the country. Police recruiters are constantly visiting the CJTC. Graduates report a high rate of success in securing full-time employment.
No. Because of the number of programs we offer at satellite locations, we are able to enroll our applicants in a timely fashion after they have made application to the program.
Yes, most definitely. Our outstanding reputation has been developed by word of mouth. Our cadets and those who are affiliated with us are quick to tell others of their positive and rewarding experiences with the program. Also, the CJTC is the only municipal police training center in Pennsylvania that is CALEA accredited, the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.
Yes. Visit the MPOETC website for more information. The specific legislation to reference when viewing the MPOETC website is Act 165.
Act 120 is necessary for any municipal police job or county detective position (with the county district attorney's office). However, many other occupations prefer that you have this training. Some of those professions are the Attorney General's office, campus police, parks and recreation, game commission, forestry department, and fish and boat commission.
No. Not all applicants are accepted. We carefully screen each applicant to ensure he or she meets our requirements and those of MPOETC. Applicant acceptance is based on the evaluation scores and the documents in the application packet.
No. We expect every cadet to act in a professional manner. We expect every person to maintain a high level of self-discipline. We do not permit inappropriate behavior in the classroom at any time. Cadets are considered IUP students and are subject to university regulations as well as the academy rules and regulations.
No. All cadets must use the center's firearms.
Yes. Cadets wear navy pants, a beige or navy academy shirt, black socks, black belt, and black tactical boots. Uniforms are purchased through the vendor Fasttimes. Tactical boots are purchased individually by cadets.
Only if you are a currently employed municipal police officer or approved by MPOETC.
Yes, housing and meal plans are available through IUP for an additional fee. Once a student is accepted, the information will be provided to the cadet by the CJTC.
The full-time academy is 22 weeks in length. The part-time academy is 49 weeks in duration.
The fitness requirements are established by MPOETC. See the MPOETC website.