Resources for Designing Your WAC Department Plan

  • The WAC Clearinghouse (full-length, open-access books, journal articles, and pedagogical resources for teaching WAC)
  • Central Michigan WAC Video Modules (a toolkit for designing WAC assignments, providing feedback to student writers, planning WAC courses, and other resources)
  • University of Minnesota Writing Plans (a great place to look for models of writing plans in many disciplines while writing a plan for your department)
  • Auburn University WAC ePortfolios (see how faculty across the university help students create ePortfolios of writing that can be used for multiple purposes)

Teaching Writing with Artificial Intelligence

This list is a work in progress as we continue to explore the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence in the writing classroom. Here are a few resources to get started in thinking about how you might approach the use of AI in your classroom:

Helpful Classroom Resources for Teaching Writing in any Discipline