Frontal Lobe
Home of Reason and Intellect
.01-.10 BAC
- lowering of inhabitions
- reduced self control
- reduced judgment capacity
- dulling of attention
- feeling of well-being
Parietal Lobe
Home of Emotions
.10-.30 BAC
- distortion of sensory ability
- unsteadiness of movement
- loss of some fine motor skills
- speech disturbance
Occipital Lobe
Home of Perception
.20-.30 BAC
- loss of color perception
- distortion of vision
- double vision
- loss of depth perception
Home of Voluntary and Involuntary Functions
.25-.35 BAC
- coordination impairment
- serious problems with balance
Medulla Oblongata
Home of Vital Life Functions
.35-up BAC
- continued intake may begin to affect regulatory functions at high BAC