LeoYanAssociate Professor

Office: Leonard 505L

Email: leo.yan@iup.edu

Personal website


PhD, Brown University

MA, University of Missouri

MSc, London School of Economics and Political Science

BA, Boston University


PHIL 122 Contemporary Moral Issues

PHIL 130 Introduction to Biomedical Ethics

PHIL 270 Ethics and the Environment

PHIL 320 Ethical Theory

PHIL 323 Political Philosophy

PHIL 450 Philosophy of Law

Professional Interests

Ethics, Practical Reason, Decision Theory

Select Publications

"Seeming Incomparability and Rational Choice." Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (2022) 21: 347-371.

Select Presentations

"Combining Determinate and Nondeterminate Values." Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society, 2022.

"Seeming Incomparability and Rational Choice." American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, 2019.

"Parity, Incomparability, and Categorical Judgments." American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, 2018.

"Externalist Accounts of Racial Epithets." American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, 2013.

"The Connection Between Political Legitimacy and Justification." Central States Philosophical Association, 2011.