Associate Professor of Political Science
Director, Pre-Law Program
Department of History, Political Science, Philosophy, and Religious Studies
405D HSS Building
981 Grant Street
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1069
724-357-2290 (phone)
724-357-3810 (fax)
Course Descriptions
PLSC 111: American Politics
PLSC 250: Public Policy
PLSC 358/558: Judicial Process
PLSC 359/559: Constitutional Law and Civil Liberties
PLSC 405: Sexuality and the Law
Professional Interests
My professional interests include American politics, federal Indian law, constitutional law, and privacy law.
Pre-Law Program
I am the director of IUP's Pre-Law Program. Students from all seven of the departments involved in the Pre-Law Programas well as any students interested in the Pre-Law Program or in finding out more about law schoolare welcome to come to my office to chat.