Assigned volunteer note takers commit to provide theDepartment for Disability Access and Advising (D2A2) copies of their notes on a weekly basis throughout the semester.

Email your notes to D2A2

When you are assigned as a volunteer note taker for a particular class, you should submit the weekly updates of your notes notes to D2A2 via email attachment at

How toprepare your notes for email attachment

Typed notes

If you type your notes on a computer, please save them as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF files before emailing them to D2A2 as an attachment.

Handwritten notes

If you handwrite your notes (blue or black ink), please scan and convert them into a digital file (preferably PDF) so that you can email them to D2A2 as an attachment. If you do not have access to a scanner, you can instead use a mobile device's camera (e.g., tablet or phone) to quickly take pictures of your notes.

  • There are some free scanning apps (e.g., CamScanner) that are available for download and installation from your mobile device's app store (e.g., Google Play, Apple's App Store, etc.), which can be used to more quickly and efficiently take photos of all your pages and compile them into one, easy-to-submit file (preferably a PDF file).
  • Saving the pictures of your notes in one, easy-to-submit file makes the process much simpler and easier for you, and also helps D2A2a great deal (it allows us to better keep all of your notes in their correct order, and it makes the process more efficient for us to be able to get your notes to your classmate with a disability in a timely manner).

Name, Class, and Date

Whether you submit typed or handwritten/scanned notes, please make sure that your name, the name of the class/section, and the date are clearly typed or written at the top of the first page that you are emailing to D2A2 as an attachment (e.g., "Jane Doe, PSYC 101-001, 10/26/2020").