Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee

Minutes of January 30, 2013

  • In Attendance:Ali, Balint, Brzycki, Cunningham, Ford, Giever, P. McDevitt, T. McDevitt, McElroy, Moore, O'Neil, Onyett, Pagnucci, Powers, Rodgers, Schwartz, Sherwood, Yuhas.
  • Excused:Asamoah, Blood, Lenze, Lowery, J.B. Smith, VanWieren, Yost.
  • Absent:Ezekiel, Fortushniak, Mocek.
  • Guests:none

Proceedings of the Meeting

Meeting called to order at 3:07pm
  • Approval of Minutes
    • The November 28, 2012 minutes were approved unanimously (M/S Geiver/O'Neil).

Co-Chairs' Report

  • Financial Report - The ACPAC balance is currently $6825.92
  • Announcements
    • faculty co-chair election - McElroy
      • Nate McElroy is in his last semester as co-chair. A new faculty co-chair must be elected at the April meeting, therefore, if you are interested in applying for the position, please let McElroy or Onyett know as soon as possible. The faculty co-chair is a 2 year term with the option to be elected for an additional 2 year term.
    • Death of John Woolcock - McElroy
      • It was announced that John Woolcock recently passed away.

Standing Reports

  • CIO office (Cunningham)
    • Adobe - An e-mail will be sent to ACPAC and other committees as "Advance Notice" and then released to the university community on Friday. IUP now has an Adobe Education Enterprise License for the Master Collection Suite for IUP-owned PCs. With the need to finalize the license and the deployment strategies, it is likely that for the current Spring 2013 semester, the suite will not be installed in the public lab areas. Further deployment discussions will occur as the license details are finalized.
    • Kaltura - IT Services has taken advantage of a PASSHE procurement option for Kaltura which is a "YouTube" like video service for internal institutional use. IT Services will be using Kaltura beginning on July 1, 2013 to replace the existing centralized streaming service that is Microsoft based. Kaltura will allow for multiple supported video formats, which will make it available for many devices including tablets, smartphones, etc. The purchase includes integration with IUP's single sign-on environment (Shibboleth) and LMS integration into both Moodle and D2L. Communication will occur later in the spring semester when implementation details are more clear and confirmed.
    • D2L - As per discussion in past meetings of ACPAC, IT Services has escalated concerns with the unreliability of the D2L system. There have been many incidents this academic year, with the D2L system being down for a considerable period of time. Concerns have also been raised by the other PASSHE universities and the issues have been escalated to the vice chancellors office. Dr. Kathleen Howley and Bob Hails from the Office of the Chancellor will be discussing the concerns with the D2L executive team on Thursday 1/31/13.
    • Moodle - An e-mail and an IUP Daily news item will be released Friday (2/1) announcing the Moodle 2.3 Form and Functionality demonstrations. The demos were first mentioned in the 8/3/12 letter from Balint/Staszkiewicz. Any faculty member considering using Moodle beyond this summer is strongly encouraged to attend the form and functionality demos to be held on February 12 and 13. Each session is one hour and there are three sessions per day. Feb 12 9-10am, 10-11am, 11am-Noon. Feb 13 1:30-2:30pm, 2:30-3:30pm, and 3:30-4:30pm. In addition, ACPAC and OLC faculty are reminded that they are welcome to request "sandbox" accounts for a TEST version of Moodle 2.3 so they can take a look at it.
    • Luminis - The Luminis project is well underway. IT Services is in the process of building the "production environment" after many meetings, consulting sessions, discussions, etc. Although a large task was introduced when "" was selected to be the URL. Even though IT Services will have to move existing services to another url, the project is still on target to be used for spring orientations.
  • Student Operations Group (Blood)
    • Blood was unable to make the meeting, so there was no report.
    • Blood is unable to attend the regular Student Operations Group (SOG) meetings for the spring semester. Patrick McDevitt volunteered that since he was on SOG, he would report to ACPAC for the rest of the spring semester for the Student Operations Group.
  • On-Line Learning Subcommittee (Brzycki)
    • No Report
  • Taskforce on Accessibility Guidelines (Brzycki)
    • The taskforce created a "draft policy", but before seeking approval, they sent it to university legal counsel for review. They received quite a bit of feedback from legal and will be modifying the draft policy as needed.
  • Student Computing Subcommittee (P. McDevitt)
    • They are planning to roll out student surveys to collect various information and needs, etc.
    • They are looking into the possibility of the Microsoft IT Academy for Students to see if there would be benefit.
    • They are looking into collaborative spaces for technology (facility spaces specifically) to create more awareness.
    • Currently there are technology orientations for undergrads, so they are looking into creating technology orientations for graduate students as well.
  • Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (Sherwood)
    • Sherwood presented recommendations from the Emerging Technologies subcommittee related to the Mobile Learning Initiative that is underway. The details are at (Code: iupacpac), under "Mobile Learning", "Recommendation" (also below pages 3-5)
    • Four proposals are being recommended to be funded:
      • Liu - "Using Tablet Technology in a Language Classroom"
      • Loomis/Lauber - "MoJo - Mobile Journalism"
      • Sweeney - "Locative Media and Art Education"
      • Machado - "Teaming Teachers with Tablets"
    • Motion to move the recommendations to Bill Balint for funding was approved (M/S O'Neil/Pagnucci).
    • There were two additional proposals that the committee felt were very good and "out of the box" thinking, but the scope is likely more than what is possible for existing resources. The projects were:
      • Jackson - "Political Science Simulations"
      • Robb, Shellenbarger, Wagoner - "IUP Nutrition App"
    • The committee recommends that "These proposers work with Dave Smith and his Computer Science class and/or IT to scope project requirements and develop a budget"
    • Motion to accept the recommendation was approved (M/S Geiver/Pagnucci).
  • Branch Campuses (O'Neil)
    • Everything is fine, no report

Action Team Reports

  • Electronic Portfolio Action Team (Onyett)
    • The LiveText system has been implemented and is actively being used for Teacher Education programs. We are continuing to work on templates for some of the programs. In addition, integration of LiveText into Moodle and D2L is underway and should be completed very soon. Motion to disband the action team was approved (M/S Onyett/Pagnucci).
  • Mobile Apps Action Team (Powers)
    • The release date is anticipated to be 2/15, but will depend on when it gets to the Apple App Store.
    • Agreements are in place with both Apple and Google thanks to the IUP Research Institute.
    • The app will be free.
    • There is a short list of bugs still being addressed, but all of the major bugs have been resolved.
    • For version 2, IUP will be looking at a new framework (possibly the Ellucian offering, hiring a third party developer company, or a different framework altogether).
    • Once the app is out there, the Task Force will re-convene to determine next steps (including any updates to the version 1.x release)
  • Collaboration System Action Team (T. McDevitt)
    • The action team is planning to test the Luminis Collaboration features to see if they meet the Collaboration System requirements that were created by the committee.

New Business

  • Adobe Master Collection Faculty Implementation Team - Balint proposed that an action team be created to assist on how to integrate the "Adobe Master Collection" applications into teaching and learning and how best to roll out the software to faculty. IT Services is not positioned to understand the applications and the use in the classroom, which is why he proposed that a faculty team be created. It was suggested to wait until February to create the team until IT can understand more about the licensing, deployment strategies, etc. It was also suggested to reach out to College Tech committees to get participants/representatives. Motion to create the team was approved (M/S Balint/Onyett). Ali, Geiver, O'Neil, Onyett are interested in being on the team, but none wanted to chair it. Onyett will follow-up with Erick Lauber in CHSS since he is a user of the Adobe products as well.

Old Business:

  • None

Other Business:

  • None

Meeting adjourned at 4:30pm (motion to adjourn M/S Pagnucci/Geiver)

The next meeting will be February 20, 2013. Also, it was pointed out that the March meeting will be March 27, 2013, not March 20.


All documents:
Access code: IUPACPAC
"People expect to be able to work, learn, and study whenever and wherever they want to."
"Education paradigms are shifting to include online learning, hybrid learning, and collaborative models."
"There is a new emphasis in the classroom on more challenge-based and active learning." New Media Coalition, New Horizon Report (2012)
Emerging Tech prioritizes Mobile Learning, September 2012
Call for proposals, 11 received, October 2012
Evaluation of pre-proposals, 6 selected for further review, November 2012
Presentations by finalists; committee evaluation and request for revisions, 28 January 2013
Emerging Technology Recommendation to ACPAC, 30 January 2013
In attendance: Craig Pluchinsky, Dan Weinstein, Dan Yuhas, David Smith, Dolores,Kenneth Sherwood, and Joe Shyrock - CTM for NSM
The ACPAC Emerging Technology Committee Recommends That the following four proposals be funded in Spring 2013:
1. Using Tablet Technology in Language Classrooms
Prof. Shijuan "Laurel" Liu, Department of Foreign Languages
Liu Proposal $4,980
To investigate the innovative use of tablets for group interaction in language classrooms. This project will be implemented in two Chinese language courses. It utilizes the affordances of the IPad to engage students in oral/aural conversation simulations with the chatterbot "Siri" and encourages practice in three avenues for Chinese language production: keyboard entry, text-to-speech, and Chinese characters.
Provides 10 IPad minis for collaborative classroom learning

2. MoJo - Mobile Journalism
Prof. David Loomis and Prof. Eric Lauber, Department of Journalism
Loomis/Lauber Proposal $9,650
To empower select journalism students to provide "spot coverage" of breaking news events in the field and publish them online using the HawkEye blog and through other portals created by department faculty. It enhances existing technical resources by allowing for professional quality recording of audio/video in the field and editing equipment for use in a new project lab.
Provides 5 sets of digital video cameras, wireless microphones, and editing PCs.

3. Locative Media and Art Education
Prof. Robert W. Sweeny, Art and Art Education
Sweeny Proposal $1,500
To enable advanced Art Education to imagine, build and test locative (geographic location aware) educational games. This project draws on the long tradition of "games" in art, from the ball courts depicted in ancient Mayan architecture, to Surrealist games in modern Paris but connects students to contemporary digital culture by enabling them to create their own games.
Provides 5 sets of IPad Minis with Magellan GPS for the creation of location-aware art games for the IUP campus

4. Teaming Teachers with Tablets
Prof. Crystal Machado, Professional Studies in Education
Machado Proposal $19,100
To allow in-service teachers to learn first-hand how to integrate tablets into daily classroom pedagogy for K-12 education. PSE faculty will use the tablets in teaching pre-service teachers, modeling technology infusion in the classroom, using such techniques as lesson capture, audio/video podcasting, and live collaborative editing.
Provides 30 sets of IPads for collaborative classroom learning.
The ACPAC Emerging Technology Committee Recommends That these proposers work with Dave Smith and his Computer Science class and/or IT to scope project requirements and develop a budget.

Political Science Simulations
Prof. Steve Jackson, Political Science Department
Jackson Proposal
This project would build on the investigator's prior success creating computer-based simulations for education. The goals are the development of a web-based game engine accessible to desktop and all mobile platforms, and to create two model simulations for the political science curriculum
Needs IUP institutional support to assess costs and to plan the development of a server-based interactive website or mobile apps. The committee feels this project is of high merit but the scope is not yet clear.

IUP Nutrition App
Ms. Meigan Robb, Prof. Teresa Shellenbarger and Prof. Diane Wagoner Robb Proposal
This project entails developing an educational nutrition application for android tablets which is customized to the IUP campus. It would be utilized in IUP courses emphasizing the "Dimensions of Wellness" element of liberal studies, allowing students to reflect upon their eating choices in dining halls and "pods".
Needs IUP institutional support to assess costs and to plan the development of a server-based interactive website or mobile apps. The committee feels this project is of high merit but the scope is not yet clear.