Our faculty members, students, and staff have been recognized for their work, and we are proud to list some of them!

Shuler, C. (2008)."AWolf in Sheep's Clothing: An Assessment of College Students' Knowledgeand Attitudes toward HIV and AIDS."Paper presented at the fourteenth annual National McNair Research Conference. Her research was supervised by Christine Black of the Department of Allied and Public Health. Shuler received an award from the IUP McNair Program for best overall research during the program'sSummer Research Institute.

Sherburne, L. M. (2007). APS Rise-UP Graduate Student Research Award to Joshua Watt, for Watt, J. J., Stires, L. K., & Sherburne, L. M.,"Multiple Methods of Influencing Implicit Racial Bias in Shooting Decisions" at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.

Thornton, G., Death Educator Award (2007). Association for Death Education and Counseling

Goodwin, B. J. (2006). IUP Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Outstanding Achievement Award for Service

Kaniasty, K., The 2006 Individual Award from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the book Klska ywioowa czy katastrofa spoeczna? Psychospoeczne konsekwencje polskiej powodzi 1997 roku. (Natural Disaster or Social Catastrophe? Psychosocial Consequences of the 1997 Polish Flood). Gdask, Poland: Gdaskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, 2003.

Sherburne, L. M. (2006). Outstanding Professor Award, IUP Panhellenic Association