If you experience issues while using the multimedia classroom equipment, you can review a few troubleshooting techniques. If you would like further assistance or technical support or the issue is not listed, please log a ticket in ihelp with your questions.

What do I do when the projector will not turn on or off?

  • If you have a projector remote, try using it to power the projector On/Off.
  • If you do not have a projector remote, please log a ticket in ihelp for assistance. If you are still unable to power on the unit, then the bulb may need to be replaced.

How do I use my laptop in a multimedia classroom?

To connect a laptop to the projector:

  1. Connect the laptop using the supplied monitor cable. You can use the VGA or HDMI connection.
  2. If audio output from the laptop is needed, connect the sound cable.
  3. On the Class Room Control screen, click on the Laptop button.
  4. On some laptops, you may need to toggle the use of the external monitor port. Please log a ticket in ihelp for further assistance.

What should I do when the projector image is very dim, dark, or blurry?

Please log a ticket in ihelp for assistance.