It's not too late to be trained in Green Dot! The Haven Project will offer two training sessions in April. Learn how to be an active bystander and make IUP a safer place for all.
The mission is to have fewer people hurt by power-based violence. This includes sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. You will be equipped with information about barriers to action and provided with realistic solutions.
Green Dot Training (Virtual) 
- Tuesday, April 25
- 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
- Zoom
Green Dot Training (In-person)
- Thursday, April 27
- 5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
- Suites on Maple East, room G18
Green Dot T-shirts will be provided for those who participate.
Stay Connected with Green Dot/Haven Project:
- Facebook: IUP Green Dot and IUP Haven Project
- Instagram: @iup_greendot and @iuphaven
- Twitter: @IUPGREENDot and @iuphaven
Sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking are difficult topics. Resources are available. You are not alone.
- The Alice Paul House* (24/7 hotline) - 724-349-4444
- The Haven Project- 724-357-3947
- IUP Counseling Center* - 724-357-2621
- University Police - 724-357-2141
- The Office of Student Support and Community Standards - 724-357-1264
- Title IX Coordinator - 724-357-3402
- LGBTQIA Support - 724-357-2598
*confidential resources