Professor, Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Teacher Education, First-Year Writing, Researched Writing, Rhetorical Genre Studies

506-X Leonard Hall

Professor of English

Director of Bachelor of Science in English Education

506-QQ Leonard Hall

Professor, Teacher Identity, Teacher Narratives, Critical Pedagogy, TESOL Teacher Education, NNEST Identity, Qualitative Research

Director of Graduate Studies in Composition and Applied Linguistics; Graduate Certificate in TESOL

506-S Leonard Hall

Director, Kathleen Jones White Writing Center and Coordinator, BA English Programs

506-T Leonard Hall

724-864-8528 (cell)

Professor, Composition Theory and Pedagogy, Writing Centers, Research Methods

Director of IUP Writing Center

203-B Stabley Library (inside the Jones White Writing Center)

Professor, Poetry, Global Literature, Literary History and Theory, Jewish Literature and Theory, Travel Writing, Composition Theory, Bible and Literature, Short Story

506-EE Leonard Hall