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AGES Students Named Provost Scholars

The Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences congratulates our students named as Provost Scholars. To be named a Provost Scholar, students must have earned a minimum of 45 semester hours at IUP with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Provost Scholar recognition is given only once during a student’s time of study at IUP.

AGES Students Named to Fall 2024 Dean’s List

The Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences congratulates our students for being named to the Dean’s List for fall 2024. Students receive this recognition for each semester in which they earn a GPA of 3.25 or higher while taking a minimum of 12 credits.

IUP Students Present at the Appalachian Collegiate Research Initiative Conference in Washington, D.C.

A team of IUP students presented their research at the Appalachian Collegiate Research Initiative (ACRI), a grant-funded program of the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC). The 2024 ACRI conference, held December 6–7 in Washington, D.C., featured projects from students representing 15 colleges and universities. These projects addressed a range of pressing regional issues, from economic revitalization to environmental sustainability, showcasing innovative, community-centered solutions.

Poole Presents at African Studies Association Annual Meeting

Dr. Amanda Poole, Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences, recently participated in the 66th African Studies Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, held in Chicago, Illinois, from December 12–14, 2024. The ASA Annual Meeting, the largest gathering of Africanist scholars in the world, is the flagship event of the association and brought together over 2,000 scholars and professionals under the theme Global Africa.

IUP Selected for 2024 Educational Award by Pennsylvania Drone Association

The Pennsylvania Drone Association selected Indiana University of Pennsylvania for its 2024 Ellie Education Award, recognizing IUP as “an educational institution that has helped to elevate the drone industry in our commonwealth in a meaningful and significant way. “

IUP Contributes to Recovery, Identification of Serviceman Missing After WWII Aircraft Crash in Germany

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency recently announced the identification of a previously unaccounted-for service member from a site where IUP was one of the contributing archaeological teams. IUP Anthropology faculty and students conducted forensic archaeological excavation of WWII aircraft crash sites in Germany through a cooperative agreement with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency and the Henry M Jackson Foundation.

IUP Cejka Planetarium Offering Program About Planet Nine as Final Show for Fall Semester

IUP’s Cejka Planetarium in John J. and Char Kopchick Hall will host the final show for the fall semester on December 16 at 7:00 p.m., “How Many Are There? Planet Nine.” The program is free and open to the community.

Allard Awarded Research Grant for Foreign Scholars, Gives Invited Lecture

Francis Allard has been awarded a Research Grant for Foreign Scholars by the Center for Chinese Studies in Taiwan.

Day of Service with IUP Anthropology

Twelve IUP archeologists participated in service events at Historic Hanna’s Town in Westmoreland County and at the historic Lebanon Cemetery in York, PA, on Saturday, October 26.

"Untold Stories of Pennsylvania Parks and Forests" Launched

"Untold Stories of Pennsylvania Parks and Forests" launched with a new website and presentations at the Pennsylvania Historical Association annual meeting.

IUP Cejka Planetarium Offering Programs About Stars and Planet Nine

Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Cejka Planetarium in John J. and Char Kopchick Hall will host two programs during the fall semester: “Magical Lights: Stars” and “How Many Are There? Planet Nine.” These programs are free and open to the community.

Poole Discusses New Book at Emerging Scholars and Scholarship on Eritrea Event

Amanda Poole, Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences, joined colleagues around the world for a virtual panel discussion on October 16 focused on her cowritten ethnography, "Hosting States and Unsettled Guests: Eritrean Refugees in a Time of Migration Deterrence."

Anthropology Research Article on Skeletal Commingling Featured by American Academy of Forensic Sciences

IUP Anthropology faculty recently published research about the resolution of skeletal commingling in an invited issue of the Journal of Forensic Sciences.

Anthropologists Give Public Lectures on Research

Francis Allard and Ben Ford, both anthropologists in the Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences, recently presented their research as public lectures.

Applied Archaeology Students Attend Metal Detecting Course

Applied Archaeology MA program students traveled to Fort Ticonderoga, NY, to take part in an Advanced Metal Detecting for the Archaeologist training. The students joined archaeologists from across the region to learn how to systematically metal detect an area to identify sites and how to record the findings.

Anthropology Department Hosting Annual Archaeology Open House on Oct. 12

The Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences at Indiana University of Pennsylvania will hold its annual Community Archaeology Day on October 12 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in celebration of International Archaeology Day. All Archaeology Day events are free and open to the community.

Archaeology Student Publishes on New Alexandria

Luke Nicosia M'24 published his thesis research in Westmoreland History. The research focused on an archaeological investigation of New Alexandria, PA, to understand how the damming of the Loyalhanna River affected the town.

Community Archaeology Day

Community Archaeology Day will be held on Saturday, October 12, 1:00–3:00 p.m. on the ground floor of McElhaney Hall. Hosted by the Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences, the event will include spear throwing, flint knapping, interactive games, plus a children's activity room. Free admission. All ages welcome!

Anthropology Faculty Attend National POW/MIA Recognition Day in Washington, DC

Anthropology faculty members William Chadwick and Andrea Palmiotto from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences, were honored to be invited by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III to the National POW/MIA Recognition Day at the Pentagon in Washington, DC on September 20, 2024.

AGES Continues Project to Bring Undergrads on Seagoing Journeys

Jonathan Lewis, professor of Geosciences, was granted a National Science Foundation award for a third STEM Student Experiences Aboard Ships (STEMSEAS) project.

Lewis Publishes Findings on Taiwan Metamorphic Rock Research

Jonathan Lewis and colleagues have published findings on Taiwan metamorphic rock research in the journal "Progress in Earth and Planetary Science."

IUP Hosts Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Workshop for High School Teachers

In June, Indiana University of Pennsylvania hosted a workshop on uncrewed aircraft (drones) for teachers in eight area high schools who are teaching the aviation curriculum in their schools. The workshop focused on how teachers can integrate drone education into the curriculum. Teachers represented districts in Allegheny, Clearfield, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.

IUP Students, Faculty Leave to Conduct Fourth Forensic Archaeology Field School in Germany at Site of World War II Airplane Crash

Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Anthropology faculty have been selected by the Department of Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, through the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine Inc., to continue its field study near Frankfurt, Germany, at the site of a crash of a World War II B-17 airplane.

Anthropologist Adams' Fireside Chat for Pride Month

On June 10, Abigail Adams participated in a "Fireside Chat" to commemorate Pride Month for Anthology, a multinational company that encompasses Blackboard, Campus Management, Campus Labs, and iModules.

Applied Archaeology Student Wins National Geoarchaeology Award