Will My Credits Transfer to IUP?
In many cases, the answer is yes. We try to work with you to help you apply the credits you have already earned. Check below to find out how the classes you want to transfer are considered. Call or email if you have any questions.
Statewide Program to Program (P2P) Articulation agreements allow PA community college students who graduate with specific associate degrees to transfer with junior standing into bachelor's degree programs in similar fields of study at PA State System universities.
Get more information about the Program to Program agreements we proudly maintain with all 14 Pennsylvania community colleges by selecting the By Equivalencies tab above and choosing a community college from the list.

Use this link to access the old version of the credit evaluation tool, which includes exams and international colleges.
Helpful Tips
- These equivalencies should be used as references only and not commitments from IUP. They are current, evaluated on an ongoing basis, and subject to change.
- The courses listed here are not a complete catalog listing. If your institution or courses are not listed, we will perform an individual credit evaluation at the time of your application review, as long as we have received your official college transcript.
- Please type the full institution name into the search. The tool does not accept abbreviations such as CCAC, WCCC, etc. Once you've found and selected your institution, you will see a full, alphabetical list of all previously evaluated courses on the left and its IUP equivalent on the right.
- If you are looking for courses at a school with multiple campuses or sites, you can first look for the specific location. If you don't find that site or the course you are looking for, search the main location of that institution.
- To narrow down your options, you can type at least a partial course number from the transferring institution. For example, if you are searching for an English course, but don't know the full course number, type "ENG" and all course prefixes starting with ENG from that institution will appear.
- You must enter a space between subject and course number when searching for specific courses.
Transfer Equivalency Course Guide
If an equivalency is listed, the credit will transfer for admissions purposes if the earned grade is a "C" or above. How the course applies toward liberal studies (general education) requirements or the major will be determined by the respective IUP academic department.
If an exact IUP course match exists, the course number will reflect the IUP equivalent course.If there is no exact match, but the course transfers as an elective, the original course title from the sending institution will be retained and the number will include XX according to the level (1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX).
Courses Not in the Equivalency Database
A course not included in the list has not been evaluated to date, but still may be transferable to IUP. Courses are evaluated at the time of application review, provided the Office of Admissions has received an official transcript with final grades from the institution. How the course applies toward general education requirements or the major will be determined by the respective IUP academic department.
Reevaluation Request
If you believe a course was evaluated incorrectly, you may submit a reevaluation form with a syllabus for the course in question. The form and syllabus for each course submitted for review should be taken to the Office of Transfer Services, Sutton Hall, Room G26, for consideration. You may pick up a form in Sutton Hall, Room G26, or download the transfer credit reevaluation form.
Current Students: Pre-approval for Credits at Another Institution
Current students who plan to take courses at another college or university should refer to the Pre-Approval for Coursework at Another College or University form to initiate the process. You will use the credit transfer tool on this page to find courses that have previously been evaluated that match your requirements in order to complete the form.