1 MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE September 8, 2015 Chairperson Piper called the September 8, 2015 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:35 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. Agenda items for the September 8, 2015 meeting we
IUP Senate Minutes 9-8-2015 - Revised1 MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE September 8, 2015 Chairperson Piper called the September 8, 2015 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:35 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. Agenda items for the September 8, 2015 meeting we
IUP Senate Minutes 10-6-2015MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE October 6, 2015 Chairperson Piper called the October 6, 2015 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:32 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. Agenda items for the October 6, 2015 meeting were APPRO
IUP Senate Minutes 10-6-2015 RevisedMINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE October 6, 2015 Chairperson Piper called the October 6, 2015 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:32 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. Agenda items for the October 6, 2015 meeting were APPRO
IUP Senate Minutes 11_3_2015MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE November 3, 2015 Chairperson Piper called the November 3, 2015 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:31 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. The minutes from the October 6, 2015 meeting were APP
IUP Senate Minutes December 1, 20151 MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE December 1, 2015 Chairperson Piper called the December 1, 2015 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:32 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. The minutes from the November 3, 2015 meeting were
1 MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE December 1, 2015 Chairperson Piper called the December 1, 2015 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:32 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. The minutes from the November 3, 2015 meeting were
IUP Senate Minutes February 2, 20161 MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE February 2, 2016 Chairperson Piper called the February 2, 2016 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:34 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. The minutes from the December 1, 2015 meeting were
IUP Senate Minutes March 1, 20161 MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE March 1, 2016 Chairperson Piper called the March 1, 2016 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:35 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. The minutes from the February 2, 2015 meeting were APPROV
IUP Senate Minutes March 29, 20161 MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE March 29, 2016 Chairperson Piper called the March 29, 2016 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:33 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. The minutes from the March 1, 2016 meeting were APPROVE
IUP Senate Minutes 4-26-2016 (Revision)MINUTES OF THE IUP UNIVERSITY SENATE April 26, 2016 Chairperson Piper called the April 26, 2016 meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:32 PM, in Eberly Auditorium. Attendance at the Senate meeting can be found on the Senate website under Meeting Minutes. The minutes from the March 29, 2016 meeting were APPROVED