Upon successful completion of a credit-bearing course, professional Pennsylvania educators can electronically request IUP to submit their credits to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for ACT 48 inclusion by following these steps:

  • In the MyIUP portal: Log in to MyIUP and go to Discover. Search for "Act 48" and select the Act 48 card. Click on Act 48 course request for PA-certified teachers to apply online.

If you don't have a MyIUP account, please complete the Act 48 Credit Courses Certification Form and email it to registrars-office@iup.edu

Coursework is submitted to PDE via data file every week. You will receive a letter from the assistant registrar when your coursework has been reported and accepted.

Important Information: Act 48 and Act 45 of 2007, Credit Courses at IUP

In an effort to continue to meet your professional education certification needs, the Registrar's Office serves as a reporting agency for credit coursework completed here at IUP.

The submission of credit coursework is easy, fast, and required by law.

Here are a few things that you should know.

On November 23, 1999, Governor Tom Ridge signed into effect a bill referred to as Act 48. Signed as House Bill 8, this law requires anyone maintaining an active Pennsylvania professional educator certificate to participate in furthering their education through continued course work. This law applies to all Pennsylvania educators holding Pennsylvania public school certification, including Instructional I and II, Education Specialist I and II, Administrative, Supervisory, Letters of Eligibility, and all vocational certificates.

All professional educators must obtain six credits of college study; six credits of continuing professional education courses; 180 hours (6/6/180) of continuing professional education programs, activities or professional experiences; or any combination of credits or hours equivalent to 180 hours every five years to maintain active status. One credit equals 30 hours of professional experience.

Each professional educator has five years to complete and submit the required coursework to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

Coursework completed for a master's degree program or Level II certification can be submitted to PDE for Act 48 requirements as well. Act 48 does not eliminate Level II certification.

IUP serves as a reporting agency for credit courses completed at our university. Only courses requested by a  professional are submitted to PDE for Act 48 use.

Act 45 of 2007 requires preparation programs for principals and superintendents to address nine Pennsylvania leadership standards. This act also requires the Principals' Induction Program (training in three core standards) for all principals and assistant principals who are certified and/or employed for the first time after January 1, 2008. This act requires all school and system leaders to meet their Act 48 continuing professional education requirements in a program that addresses the nine Pennsylvania leadership standards.

Once coursework is submitted, you will receive a letter from IUP stating the course taken and its acceptance for Act 48 requirements. You should keep this letter as part of your permanent professional certification records.

If you indicate that you are employed by a school district, that school district will also receive a copy of your applied course work.

You may go to the PDE website to check on courses submitted at any time. Refer to the PDE website for specific instructions to log in and to view PDE records.

This information was taken from PDE documentation. For further information or clarification, please refer to the PDE website or contact PDE directly.

Note: Requests for noncredit hours from workshops attended should be directed to IUP's Office of Teacher Education.

ACT 48 Submission Request Form