Did you know that cybercriminals ramped up phishing attacks over 667 percent in the month of March alone? These attacks continue to rise. Cybercriminals are using emails and social media posts to prey on fears and unanswered questions about COVID-19.

Watch for the following to stay protected from phishing and other cyber threats:

  • A prevalent scam email has that has been circulating is a work-from-home job due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This email maliciously offers students to do research for $250.

  • No health agency or government department will email you asking for health details or try to sell you a COVID-19 test or vaccine.

  • The Red Cross, the World Health Organization, and your government health department will never ask for your confidential information via email or text message.

  • Do not trust social media posts or ads promising COVID-19 cures, tests, or vaccines or selling masks and gloves.

Be ever vigilant for these types of malicious messages.

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