Thanks to the past and ongoing generosity of alumni, faculty, staff, administrators, and friends, the Department of Economics is pleased to have awarded six scholarships for the 2020-21 academic year.

The recipients are as follows:

  • Andrew Booth received the Robert J. Stonebraker Scholarship for Economics
  • Justin Foran received the Marimichael O'Halloran Skubel Memorial Scholarship
  • Kasper Galicki received the George A. Chressanthis Department of Economics Scholarship
  • Alexa Hershberger received the Karl A. McDermott Scholarship for Economics
  • Abigail Redlich received the Nicholas Karatjas Scholarship for Economics
  • Jocelyn Uber received the Donald A. Walker Department of Economics Scholarship

Congratulations, Drew, Justin, Kasper, Alexa, Abby, and Jocelyn!