IUP recognizes academic achievement through Provost Scholars, Dean's Lists, and graduation honors.
Provost Scholars
Provost Scholars are recognized annually. At the start of the fall semester, any undergraduate student who meets all of the following requirements will be named a Provost Scholar if he or she
- is a candidate for a first bachelor's degree,
- is a current junior or senior with a minimum of 45 credits earned at IUP, and
- has a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher, and has not received this award previously (recognition is given only once).
Dean's List
Undergraduate students receive recognition on the Dean's List for each semester (or summer session cumulatively) in which they earn at least a 3.25 GPA based on at least 12 credits of graded (non P/F) undergraduate course work, or a combination of graded undergraduate course work and graded graduate work applying to the baccalaureate degree.
Graduation Honors
Traditional Latin honors are awarded at graduation to first bachelor's degree candidates with appropriate academic records. Calculation is based on all undergraduate credits and quality points earned at IUP. Graduation honors
are not granted for second (subsequent) degrees. The distinctions are
- Cum laude3.25 to 3.49 cumulative GPA
- Magna cum laude3.50 to 3.74 cumulative GPA
- Summa cum laude3.75 to 4.00 cumulative GPA