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IUP Regional Planning Professor Invited Panelist for Aerium Summit, Showcase for Commerce

John Benhart, professor of regional planning in IUP’s Department of Geography, Geology, Environment, and Planning and director of IUP’s Geospatial Intelligence Certificate programs and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Certificate programs, is an invited panelist for the second annual Aerium Summit and will be a panelist for a program at the thirty-third annual Showcase for Commerce.

IUP Testing New Wingtra Hybrid Drone

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, the only university in Pennsylvania recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration as an FAA Collegiate Training Institution, is taking drone research and study to a higher level—literally.

IUP Cejka Planetarium to Host First Shows

Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Cejka Planetarium, in the university’s newly opened John J. and Char Kopchick Hall, will host three shows during the spring semester, all free and open to the community.

Final Weyandt Hall Planetarium Show Set for Nov. 18, 20

After 56 years of being a window to the stars for the Indiana University of Pennsylvania community, IUP will say goodbye to its Weyandt Hall planetarium and Spitz A3P projector with a final show on November 18 and November 20.

Masilela Awarded Visiting Fellowship, University of Zululand, South Africa

Calvin Masilela, professor of Geography and Regional Planning, has been awarded a Visiting Fellowship at the University of Zululand, South Africa, by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA).

IUP Geoscience Professor Co-author of Book on Bennu Asteroid

Indiana University of Pennsylvania geoscience professor Kenneth Coles is part of the writing team of "Bennu 3-D: Anatomy of an Asteroid," a project that could help scientists make big new discoveries about the origin of the Earth and the Solar System.

Journey to Discovery: IUP Scientist Digs for Dinosaurs in Utah

For the past 10 summers, IUP faculty member Jonathan Warnock has been traveling to the Utah desert to dig up dinosaur bones at Jurassic National Monument. He often brings students along to help them gain research experience.

FAA Designates IUP as Certified Collegiate Training Institution

The Federal Aviation Administration has selected Indiana University of Pennsylvania as an FAA Collegiate Training Institution, which allows IUP’s program to be part of the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems-Collegiate Training Initiative program

Lewis Selected as Ocean Discovery Lecturer for 2023–24

Jon Lewis will be one of six Ocean Discovery Lecturers for the International Ocean Discovery Program for 2023–24.

IUP Council of Trustees Approve Naming Kopchick Hall Geoscience Lab in Honor, Memory of Former Geoscience Professor

On May 4, 2023, Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Council of Trustees approved the naming of a geoscience laboratory in IUP’s John J. and Char Kopchick Hall in honor and memory of one of the founding members of IUP’s Department of Geoscience.

Patrick Publishes New Book: “Near Woods: A Year in an Allegheny Forest"

Kevin Patrick has completed the new Stackpole book, “Near Woods; A Year in an Allegheny Forest,” available in May 2023.

Pacific Rim Earthquakes in 10 Minutes

An earthquake on one side of the world has the potential for catastrophic effects on the other. Learn the basics of Pacific Rim earthquakes in 10 minutes with Jon Lewis, professor in IUP’s Department of Geography, Geology, Environment, and Planning.

Geography Graduate Students Present at American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting

IUP Geography graduate students Joece Lynn and Lillian Lux traveled to Denver, Colorado, to present at the American Association of Geographers annual meeting.

Geology Students Present at Geological Society of America Regional Meeting

Students from the Geography, Geology, Environment and Planning Department will present at the Geological Society of America Regional Meeting.

Warnock and Colleagues Publish on Microfossils of the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry

Warnock and colleagues analyzed ancient fossil algae, known as charophytes, to understand one of the most well-know and confusing deposits of dinosaur bone known to science.

Warnock and Colleagues Study Ancient Atmospheric Dust Contributions to Southern Ocean

Warnock and colleagues analyzed sediments recovered from off the coast of Antarctica’s peninsula to understand changes in ancient atmospheric dust contribution to the Southern Ocean over time.

Warnock and Coauthors Publish on Ancient Ecosystem Shifts Near Antarctica

Warnock and colleagues studied ancient DNA preserved in sediments to understand ecosystem change in the oceans surrounding Antarctica. Excitingly, this paper details the discovery of the worlds oldest marine sedimentary ancient DNA, at 1 million years old.

Free Planetarium Show Feb. 28

A planetarium show about the winter constellations will take place February 28 at 7:00 p.m.

Warnock and Colleagues Publish on Iceberg Rafted Debris from Antarctica

Jonathan Warnock and colleagues published new understanding of Antarctic Ice Sheet history and behavior using results from International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 382.

Warnock and Coauthors Publish on Geologic Record of Ice Loss in Antarctica

Jonathan Warnock and colleagues published a recent paper describing a geologically recent period of ice loss in West Antarctica.

IUP Hosting Planetarium Shows, Free and Open to the Community

IUP will continue the 2022–23 planetarium shows during the spring semester with “Winter Wonders” on February 28. The program, exploring the winter constellations of Orion and Taurus, also will include information about the Orion nebula and the fact that a supernova remnant is up in the sky every winter evening.

GGEP Students Named to Fall 2022 Dean's List

The Geography, Geology, Environment, and Planning Department congratulates our students for being named to the Dean's List for fall 2022.

GGEP Students Named Provost Scholars

The IUP Geography, Geology, Environment, and Planning Department congratulates our students named as Provost Scholars.

Lewis and Colleagues Publish on Equity Issues in the Natural Sciences

Jon Lewis and colleagues, in their nascent community of practice, the Coastal and Ocean STEM Equity Alliance, published an open-access commentary arguing for a rethinking of committee work.

Free Planetarium Show November 3

The IUP Planetarium is offering a free show for the public on Thursday, November 3, focusing on how scientists image a black hole.