Choose the format according to how you want to present the information. The two most popular styles are chronological and functional.

Chronological Résumés

This style highlights your current job and employer's name. It is appropriate if you want to emphasize your current job as the most important, if your work experience is closely related to the job you are seeking, or if you are older and have extensive work experience to offer. When you are stressing extensive work experience as your strongest qualification, place the Work Experience before the Education section. You may prefer to include only your most recent jobs or those that best relate to the job you seek.

For this approach, begin each entry with the employer's name and your dates of employment. Then include a brief description of your job, including titles and responsibilities. Arrange this list chronologically, beginning with the most recent.

Select to see an example of a chronological résumé. (PDF)

Functional Résumés

Skills and qualifications form the primary focus with this style. Each job is categorized by function (for example, program designer, case worker, field consultant) with the most significant listed first. Then, each function is described by detailing responsibilities held, actions taken, and results achieved. Subordinate employers' names and dates. This approach is useful if you have impressive job titles and duties to feature.

Select to see an example of a functional résumé. (PDF)

Skills Résumé

This emphasizes skills and abilities gained through jobs, other experiences, and school activities. Arrange skills from the most relevant to the least. You can include the name and location of companies and dates of employment. This approach is particularly appropriate when the skills you've acquired are more impressive than the jobs you've had or when you want to highlight a significant skill acquired from different experiences and jobs. It also allows you to relate your skills to the job you want.

Select to see an example of a skills résumé. (PDF)

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