In an effort to separate stereotypes from the realities of indigenous Americans, the Native American Awareness Council proudly presents numerous educational events throughout each school year. Some of the events for 2021–22 are highlighted below.

As part of the National Coming Out Week celebration events and in partnership with the Queer Conversations workshop series and the LGBTQIA+ Support Office, the Council hosted the film screening of Two Spirits—a compelling story about Native American traditions and the essentially spiritual nature of gender. This presentation took place on Tuesday, October 12, and featured a Zoom discussion facilitated by special guest Carrie House. House is a Two-Spirit filmmaker from the Navajo Nation who spoke about his role in the community and the importance of having queer people for balance.

November is National Native American Heritage Month. In celebration, the Council collaborated with the Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement for a Lunch and Learn on November 17. Abigail Adams presented “Decolonize Your Thanksgiving”—a way to counter the harmful stereotypes and racism perpetuated through stories of the first Thanksgiving. Adams demonstrated Native Americans as contemporary people with dynamic, thriving cultures who have profoundly impacted our current food systems. Participants went beyond the "Pilgrims and Indians" narrative and, instead, focused on common values: generosity, gratitude, community, and good food.  

In addition to the group's event programming, meetings are held regularly during both semesters in which work is continued to develop awareness of Native American issues. Events of the Council are supported by the Social Equity and Title IX Office. For further information, please contact Abigail Adams, chairperson, at

November is Native American Heritage Month