Outstanding Graduate Student Research Awards

Mr. David Chambers
Department of Biology
Occurrence of Salmonella Serotypes in Reptiles and Amphibians of Indiana County , Pennsylvania
Dr. Arthur C. Hulse, Advisor

Ms. Jennifer James
Department of Criminology
Denying Murder: The Neutralizations and Rationalizations of Serial Murderers
Dr. Jennifer Gossett, Advisor

Ms. Carla Mancuso
Department of Food and Nutrition
Registered Dietitians' Beliefs, Knowledge, and Professional Recommendations Regarding Dietary Supplementation
Dr. Rita Johnson, Advisor

Ms. Kelli McLeod
Department of Counseling
School Counselors' Work With LGBQ Students: Barriers and Supports to Programmatic and Responsive Services
Dr. Lorraine Guth, Advisor

Dr. Amanda Pelphrey
Department of Psychology
Stress-related Growth Following Natural Disaster: A Longitudinal Investigation of a 1997 Flood in Poland
Dr. Krys Kaniasty, Advisor