Travel support will be available during the academic year 2011-2012 for travel related to the following:

  • Instructional development/pedagogy
  • Technical training
  • Curriculum development
  • Research presentation
  • Officer/conference chair

Given the mission of the college, accreditation standards, and budget considerations, it seems appropriate to take a holistic approach in the case of each individual faculty member. The objective will be to achieve the greatest marginal benefit to the faculty member, given the mission of the college. For example, a faculty member wishing to engage in instructional development might benefit most from a workshop or mentoring in pedagogy. On the other hand, the college would benefit most from additional scholarly production if an instructor were deemed highly effective in the classroom.

1. Instructional Development/Pedagogy

In considering whether or not to invest monies in travel related to instructional development, it will be appropriate to first encourage use of instructional development resources on campus (including the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Reflective Practice Group).

2. Technical Training

In considering travel funding related to technical training, it will be necessary to look first at the possibility of training on campus. Another alternative will be to send a particular individual to receive training, but require as a condition of such funding that individual offer training sessions to other faculty/staff members in the college.

3. Curriculum Development

In terms of curriculum development, the faculty member will be required to demonstrate that attendance at a meeting is the most efficient means of acquiring the breadth/depth necessary for curriculum writing.

4. Research Presentation

In the case of paper presentations, a major factor to be considered is the likelihood that the work will ultimately be published in a refereed forum (based on past productivity or other measures which would suggest success).

5. Officer/Conference Chair

Funding to attend a meeting where one serves as an officer or conference chair will be dependent on the stature of the conference and the perceived benefit to the college. Funding will not normally be available to those who serve solely as track chair or discussant.

Financial Consideration

Given budget considerations, it may not be possible to support every travel request. Each department will have to rank those requests in relationship to its developmental and scholarly needs. In no case will the college fund more than one travel per semester per faculty member per year unless the travel is deemed to be administrative in nature. In all cases, the reimbursement will be applied to the least-cost combination of airfare and motel expense or mileage and motel expense. In any case, the maximum reimbursement will be 75 percent of reimbursable expenses, not to exceed $600 for domestic travel or 75 percent of reimbursable expenses, not to exceed $900 for international travel.

Domestic versus International Travel

Domestic travel is defined to include all conference sites in the following countries:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Latin American and Caribbean countries, including specifically the following:
    • Bahamas
    • Puerto Rico
    • Belize
    • Costa Rica
    • Jamaica
    • Cuba (yes, sooner or later this is going to be a conference site)

Group Funding

Group travel by motor vehicle will be evaluated separately for possible reimbursement. All group funding proposals should be submitted directly to the dean. The chairpersons collectively will evaluate these proposals before reviewing individual proposals for travel reimbursement. The amount of reimbursement for group travel will be as outlined below:

When available, groups should request and utilize state vehicles from the university motor pool. For groups traveling by private car, reimbursement will be one-half () of the mileage rate to the driver of the vehicle; 50 percent reimbursement of per diem and hotel/motel charges; and one-half () of the conference registration fee. In any case, the maximum reimbursement is $200 per person.

Late Requests

Late requests for reimbursement are discouraged and will be handled on an individual basis.

Evaluation and Decision Procedure

Individual proposals will go to the department chair, who will rank order them. The rank-ordered list and copies of all proposals will then be submitted to the dean. They will be compiled for review by the departmental chairpersons collectively. Chairpersons will submit their own proposals separately to the dean. Like other proposals, they will be considered collectively by the Council of Chairs. The total number of funded proposals and the level of committed reimbursement will be contingent upon budget availability.

Instructions for Faculty:

Individual Travelers: Submit one travel proposal form for each proposed trip during the July 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011, period. Your proposals should be submitted to your department chair no later than NOON, Tuesday, July 5, 2011.

Group Travelers: Travel groups should submit one travel proposal form for the group to your department chair also no later than NOON, Tuesday, July 5, 2011, for the July 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011, period.

Instructions for Chairpersons

Chairpersons will submit the travel proposals to the Dean's Office by noon on Tuesday, July 12, 2011. Proposals will be reviewed by the chairs in July via electronic communication.

Individual Travel Reimbursement Proposal Form

Group Travel Reimbursement Proposal Form