Jonathan Warnock and Rachel Krueger '18 published a study in Marine Micropaleontology based on her senior thesis data. The study analyzes the preservation of diatom fossils, a globally ubiquitous and ecologically important group of algae, through intervals of the Pliocene. This sort of study helps climate scientists to understand how quickly nutrients are recycled back into the food web under different conditions.

The study used materials from the ANDRILL (Antarctic Drilling Program) 1B drill core, one of the few sediment cores recovered from continental Antarctica. Warnock and Krueger found that nutrient recycling rates were higher during warmer and more productive periods. It is the only such study of fossil preservation and nutrient recycling ever published to focus on the Pliocene, a recent warm time period used as an analog of modern climate change. It is Krueger's first paper.

Reference: Jonathan P. Warnock, Rachel E. Krueger, "A record of diatom preservation from the AND-1B drillcore: The significance of taphofacies on diatom preservation," Marine Micropaleontology, Volume 158, 2020, 101887, ISSN 0377-8398

Department of Geoscience