The Religious Studies internship is a supervised experience in a public or private organization that extends and complements coursework in RLST.

Internship sites are available in the United States or abroad.

An RLST internship provides an opportunity to experience the concern and influence of religions beyond simply what those religions teach about divinity, to integrate classroom experience and practical experience, to translate academic knowledge and skills to actions, and to broaden and test career interest. Internships provide opportunities to gain work experience that may be useful in securing employment or graduate school admission.

The potential student intern is responsible for initiating and completing all paperwork and meeting all deadlines necessary to formalize the internship placement.

Bobby Sowerbrower with fellow intern Lauryn Osborne and Sunflower Yoga Studio owner Jill Fiore
Religious studies interns Lauryn Osborne (left) and Bobby Sowerbrower (right) with Jill Fiore, owner of Sunflower Yoga Studio. Bobby organized a Wellness Fair for the studio as part of his internship.