Considered an exceptional student both in ability and ambition, the graduate student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania is known for a mature sense of responsibility and understanding of their representation in the academic community.

A graduate student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania also has rights and responsibilities that are distinctively different than those of an undergraduate student. The Graduate Student Assembly addresses those responsibilities and provides a platform for professional development and communication. It also enables students, through parliamentary procedures, to voice questions and concerns on all instances regarding the well-being of graduate students throughout the university.

The Four Corners of the Graduate Student Assembly are as follows:

  1. Protect the rights and interests of the graduate student body.

  2. Attempt to gain/hold any position on university boards and committees through which issues that are of interest to graduate students can be directly addressed.

  3. Gain recognition as an organization throughout the state system of higher education and within IUP.

  4. Provide all graduate students a vocal and physical representation at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Executive Board 2022–23